Effects list

Scatter X

Described in: Core book


This weapon can hit and deal damage to several enemies, so long as they are no farther than 6 feet away from each other. X is the number of enemies that can be hit in a single attack. Only one skill check to hit is required against one of the enemies. Nearby foes are dealt damage and suffer any additional weapon effects other than scatter, provided the initial attack roll is high enough to hit them too. Weapons such as flamethrowers and explosives often have this effect. This effect does not apply to or inflict damage on enemy bands.
Caution: If a weapon with this effect is used against enemies in melee combat with an ally, they may also take scatter damage.

Example: Phil’s character uses a magnetic mace with a scatter 3 effect. They are engaged in melee with three brute class enemies less than 6 feet apart, according to the GM. Phil rolls to hit and succeeds. His damage roll after adding his character’s Strength is 25. All three brutes take 25 damage because of the scatter 3 effect.

Bound weapons
Bound Modules
Enhancements with this effect
How does the chain attack effect interact with scatter? – page 415
Q&A > Arsenal questions > General effect questions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

An additional attack is granted if the primary target or any of the secondary targets from the scatter are defeated.

When using suppressive style, do its effects stack with more than one attack? How does it work with weapons with scatter X effects? – page 88
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The penalties applied by suppressive style do not stack. Weapons with scatter X effects apply the penalty to multiple targets.

Example: A Paladin with a ranged weapon with the two-handed and heavy effects attacks a band twice, aiming to reduce its overrun score as much as possible (4), and will only reduce it by 4 even if both shots hit.

Do cadence X and scatter X effects stack? – pages 414-415
Q&A > Arsenal questions > General effect questions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


Does a scatter X effect apply to each blow/shot during an attack action with more than one attack? – page 415
Q&A > Arsenal questions > General effect questions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


Is it possible to deal attack damage or violence more than once on a single target in one combat action, either in melee or ranged, by mixing effects/abilities/ODs (cadence X, scatter X, art of war, Ranged OD 5, Combat OD 5...)? – page 100
Q&A > Rules system questions > Core system, combos and actions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, each attack can only deal damage/violence once to a given enemy. If more than one hit is implied in an ability or its description, only apply the strongest source of damage or violence for that attack, per target.