Errata des suppléments
Arsenal, modules & méta-armures
Fusil laser à haute densité HEL
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Supplément Nodachi, page 84 - Deux coquilles se sont glissées sur cette page :

  1. Dans le tableau récapitulatif, les prérequis pour cette arme sont à remplacer par : “RH 4, Busujima”
  2. Dans le descriptif de l’arme, le nom du clan “Yoshinobu” doit etre remplacé par “Busujima”
Canon à UV
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Supplément 2038, page 22 - Le canon à UV est censé posséder l’effet Deux mains.

Lance de lumière
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Supplément 2038, page 22 - La lance de lumière est censée faire 8D6 + Force + Dextérité en dégâts (la Force manque, c’est une erreur)

La description de soumission semble extrêmement centrée sur le corps à corps, pourtant, dans la création d'arme de prestige, soumission n'est pas considéré comme un effet exclusif au contact. Serait-ce un oubli ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Oui, c’est un oubli, soumission est exclusif aux armes de corps à corps.

Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Dans les publications de la première édition, toutes les armes disposant de l’effet Lourd reçoivent en plus l’effet Deux mains sauf les cestes répulsifs et le pavois, qui restent à une main. Dans la future édition, l’effet sera explicitement ajouté à toutes ces armes. En attendant, considérez qu’elles ont cet effet en plus de l’effet Lourd.

Module Souffle du dragon
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

La durée de ce module est une coquille : il n’a pas de durée.

Module Présence du taureau
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

La durée de ce module est une coquille : il n’a pas de durée.

Module Férocité du Lion
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Supplément 2038, page 32 - L’activation du module Férocité du lion coûte 3 points d’énergie par action de combat supplémentaire dans la limite d’une seule de ces actions gagnée via ce module par tour. Le texte initial indiquant 3 par attaque prête à confusion. Cette action de combat peut être utilisée pour attaquer deux fois en style ambidextre par exemple, sans surcoût.

De même, dans le texte : « Si ce module est utilisé au même tour que l’accélérateur de mouvement , l’attaque ainsi offerte doit être considérée comme la troisième attaque ». Le mot « attaque » doit être remplacé par « action de combat ».

Adversaires, alliés & PNJ
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Supplément Pingyao, pages 56-57 & 72-73 - Svetlana Tobrieska et Yui Mashimoto. Les deux personnages peuvent choisir de s’équiper d’une paire de dagues au lieu d’une paire de sabres brûlants. Les deux dagues remplacent alors les sabres. Le profil de la dague se trouve page 393 du LdB de Knight v1 et page 423 du LdB de Knight v1.5.

Capacité indestructible (précisions)
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Lorsque l’attaque avec l’arme qui possède anti-véhicule touche la cible, les dégâts et la violence de l’arme sont à additionner.

Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Supplément Pingyao - Il y a une référence à l’arche de Melbourne, il s’agit en fait de l’arche de Sydney.

Errata du livre de base v1.5
Livre de base v1.5 - 1ère impression
Le Mode Héroïque diffère entre le livre de base 1.5, l'écran de la Geste et le livret des personnages. Il est question d'ajouter, dans le livre de base, les réussites en dégâts/violence, et pour l'écran et le livret, de les ajouter en D6 de dégâts/violence. Quelle est la bonne version ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

La bonne version du mode Héroïque est celle décrite sur l’écran de la Geste et le livret des personnages.

Ce sont les erreurs qui ne gênent normalement pas la compréhension globale du setting ou des règles de jeu.
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 10 - Lire «Botswana» au lieu de «Bostwana»
Page 26 - Dans la description de l’organisation des arches, lire «conforteresses» au lieu de «confortresses»
Page 95 - Citation de Palomydès situé en bas de la page, lire «quant» à la place de «quand»
Page 115 - Dans la description de l’avantage du Bateleur, lire «Il ne perd pas les points»
Page 119 - Dans la description de l’inconvénient de l’Arcane sans nom, lire «ses scores d’aspects»
Page 131 - Le logo Warmaster est situé au mauvais endroit sur ce schéma, c’est bien une méta-armure de 1ère génération, pas 2e.
Page 141 - Dans le haut fait du prétiré, lire «Survivant de la peste rouge»
Page 160 - Évolutions, 200 PG accumulés, lignes 2 et 3 : «… augmente de 4 points passant à très difficile (10) pour les PNJ et difficile (6) pour les PJ.» devrait être « … augmente de 3 points passant à très difficile (9) pour les PNJ et difficile (6) pour les PJ.»
Page 168, 438 - Référence à «un système pour gagner la guerre», ancien nom de chapitre v1.
Page 415 - Référence à la page 123, «Combat de titans»
Page 451 - Dans l’index, la référence à la page 132, lire «Modules communs à tous les modèles».
Page 300 et 301 - Référence à «maglef» plusieurs fois, il faut lire «maglev»

Arsenal, modules & méta-armures
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 148 - Le coût pour l’impulsion d’action sur lui-même devrait être de 10 PE.

Arbalète magnétique
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 426 - Le carreau neurotoxine conserve ses effets v1 initiaux, à savoir «dégâts continus 9 / ignore armure».
La présence de «ignore armure, anti-véhicule et ignore CdF» est une erreur de la première impression v1.5.

Disponibilité des équipements
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 411 - Les armes et modules avancés sont accessibles lorsque le chevalier a accumulé un total de 100 PG. Enlever «ainsi que les améliorations d’armes à distance» qui est un reliquat de la v1. Les améliorations d’armes sont standards et donc disponibles à la création (comme indiqué page 427).

Overdrive de sang-froid
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 444 - Les overdrives de Sang-Froid ont été modifiés dans leurs effets, ce sont ceux décrits dans cette page qui font référence. Ils n’ont pas été reportés sur les fiches de personnage. Des fiches corrigées pourront être téléchargées gratuitement sur le site www.knight-jdr.fr

Overdrive d'instinct
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 443 - Le bon texte pour l’overdrive d’Instinct niveau 5 : «Le personnage ressent lorsque des ennemis invisibles sont présents dans le lieu où il se trouve. Il ne peut jamais être pris en embuscade. Ses alliés profitent de cette capacité.».
Le texte présent dans la première impression du livre v1.5 est par erreur celui du niveau 5 de Combat

Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 416 - Dans la description de l’effet «lourd», il faut lire «les actions supplémentaires» en général, pas seulement celles de déplacement. En effet, il existe des actions bonus de n’importe quel type, et elles ne sont pas affectées dans tous les cas.

En chaîne
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 415 - Remplacer «tuer» par «éliminer» dans toute la description de «en chaîne». Il n’est pas nécessaire de tuer pour appliquer l’effet, seulement nécessaire de vaincre son adversaire. Le mettre hors de combat sans le tuer fonctionne.

Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 414 - Dans l’exemple, l’enfant du Masque devrait avoir un bouclier de 10 et non de 4.

Canon de bras
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 434 - Le niveau 3 du canon de bras est rare (comme en v1). Le fait de passer en avancé en v1.5 est une erreur.

Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 433 - Il y a deux fois «niveau 2» au lieu de «niveau 2» puis «niveau 3»

Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 432 - Enlever «ignore armure» du dard à nanomachines ; de plus la description du module devrait être «Aiguille sortant d’un doigt de l’armure, dard sortant de la paume de la main, multiples aiguilles montées sur les phalanges hautes»

Adversaires, alliés & PNJ
Salomé Edensmith
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 157 - Ce prétiré devrait avoir des munitions drones comme amélioration de Longbow et non pas un système de refroidissement.

Errata du livre de base
Arsenal, modules & méta-armures
Pointeur laser
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Le pointeur laser apporte un bonus de 3D6 au lieu de 1 réussite automatique. Ce bonus n’est disponible qu’à portée courte ou moyenne.

Module Interception : Refonte
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Le module Interception, qui remonte à la v1 du jeu où il n’était pas possible de modifier librement (retarder ?) son initiative, va être révisé. Voici les caractéristiques actualisées du module Interception qui seront intégrées dans les prochaines éditions de Knight.

  • Niv. 1 : Le module permet, pour une activation gratuite de 4PE et une durée instantanée, d’utiliser une action de déplacement (et seulement une action de déplacement) n’importe quand dans le tour, à jouer immédiatement.
  • Niv. 2 : Le module permet, pour une activation gratuite de 8PE et une durée instantanée, d’utiliser une action de combat (et seulement une action de combat) n’importe quand dans le tour, à jouer immédiatement.
Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs
Penalties, wounds and damages
When in Tech configuration, the Druid meta-armour’s Wolf type companions provide a 3 point bonus per wolf to AP restored by repair actions. What is a repair action’s base difficulty? How many AP do these repairs restore when fixing a meta-armour, a vehicle, or a building? – Codex – page 35
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Repairing a meta-armour or a vehicle without assistance and without specialised tools is a difficulty 9 skill check, and restores 1D6 AP. This type of action is too lengthy to be handled during a conflict phase, and may only be performed outside of them.

Does exceptional Flesh reduce violence too, or only damage? – page 101
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

It reduces violence as well as damage unless the attack has the anti-Anathema effect.

À quel moment a lieu la réduction des dégâts grâce à la Chair Exceptionnelle ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

La réduction de la Chair majeure s’applique avant le bouclier et le CdF.

How do I calculate damage taken from an attack that brings a meta-armour’s AP to 0? Does the Guardian suit take over from there? – page 130
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Reminder and clarification regarding AP and FF:

-When a meta-armour is deployed, worn, and functioning, only the meta-armour’s AP and FF are taken into account during an attack.
- When the meta-armour folds due to excessive damage or by choice, only the Guardian suit’s AP and FF are taken into account during an attack.
- As soon as the meta-armour’s AP reaches 0, the metaarmour immediately folds. Any damage left over is dealt to the Guardian’s AP first, not to the character’s HP. Unless the GM decides otherwise¹, the Guardian’s force field is subject to the “no stacking” rule mentioned previously, since a stronger force field has already been used to reduce this attack’s damage.
- The Guardian’s FF still applies even if the suit itself no longer has any AP. Unless the GM decides otherwise², a PC can use an armour node on their meta-armour and redeploy it over their Guardian suit, even if the Guardian suit has no AP left. This means that even if they take further damage before redeploying their meta-armour, they do not have to repair their Guardian suit first.
- Armour nodes can also be used on Guardian suits if the situation calls for it.
- Guardian suits are always repaired when the knights pass through Camelot (or any other Avalon base or outpost with appropriate equipment for quick repairs, usually included in large arms depots).

¹ Up to the GM to decide whether an attack should logically be lessened by the Guardian suit’s FF or not. This could occur if the attack comes from many small damage sources (in the case of a band, or an enemy with lots of limbs, or automatic weapon fire), but most of the time damage comes from a single source (a heavy kinetic sword blow or the swipe of a creature’s claws) in which case the Guardian FF does not apply to leftover damage. In all cases, the GM has final say.

² Up to the GM to decide whether this is feasible or not. Depending on the manner in which the Guardian suit’s AP reached 0, it might be illogical to deploy armour over it. If it was melted away by acid, for example, the Guardian suit might require repairs via an armour node or other means before being usable.

How does health lost from damage dealt to armour work? – page 130
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Each attack is taken separately. For each full 5 AP lost (after Force Field reductions), the target loses 1 HP.

In melee, do I have to use Strength in my attack combo in order to get the added Strength OD damage bonuses? – page 442
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. Strength OD bonuses always apply in melee. Melee weapon damage is usually equal to its damage score + Strength (characteristic value without OD) + 3 per Strength OD.

La guérison
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Page 89 - Il faut comprendre « Le MJ décide de l’antidote ou du remède à utiliser ainsi que du test à effectuer, de sa difficulté. »

Combat / Fighting styles
When using suppressive style, do its effects stack with more than one attack? How does it work with weapons with scatter X effects? – page 88
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The penalties applied by suppressive style do not stack. Weapons with scatter X effects apply the penalty to multiple targets.

Example: A Paladin with a ranged weapon with the two-handed and heavy effects attacks a band twice, aiming to reduce its overrun score as much as possible (4), and will only reduce it by 4 even if both shots hit.

Do pods and turrets gain any bonuses from ambidextrous or akimbo style? – page 87
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. Penalties can apply to pods and turrets, but not bonus damage added by akimbo or ambidextrous fighting styles. Akimbo and ambidextrous style bonuses only apply to “held” weapons, those in the knight’s hand or slotted into a Paladin armour’s arms are considered “held” (as pointed out in the armour’s ability description).

How do fighting styles interact with weapons such as missile pods or shoulder turrets? Can I use a missile pod if I am in ambidextrous or akimbo style? – page 87
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes. As mentioned in the rules: “The PC suffers a 3 dice penalty to their ranged and combat attack rolls.” This penalty applies to attacks made with a missile pod. Independent turrets (ones with their own fixed dice pool) do not use the character’s fighting style and are unaffected by these penalties.

How does akimbo style work when calculating the number of dice rolled for damage/violence with different weapon bonuses, abilities, upgrades, etc.? – page 87
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Phil decides to wield his two service pistols akimbo style. Service pistols have a damage roll of 2D6 + 6. Used akimbo style, an attack with his pistols deals 4D6 + 6 damage. If one of his pistols had the explosive rounds upgrade, his akimbo damage roll would be 2D6 + 6 + 3D6 = 5D6 +6 damage. If both pistols have explosive rounds, the total damage would be 6D6 + 6. If the second pistol has the sawn-off upgrade, his attack would become 2D6 +6 + 3D6 damage with a scatter 3 effect, for a total of 5D6 +6 scatter 3.

The important thing is to apply all the main hand weapon’s effects, and to only add the damage dice (or half the violence dice) of the other weapon.

Do I need special ammunition on both weapons if I want to use them in akimbo style? – page 87
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No – see calculations on page 87. This can allow a character to diversify their weapon options by purchasing different ammunition types or upgrades for each weapon.

When using the akimbo style, do both weapons have to be completely identical? – page 87
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

They must be identical weapons, but they can have different options or upgrades.

Example: Akimbo style can be used with arm blades of different levels or two service pistols, only one of which has explosive ammunition. It cannot be used with a fracture cestus and a heavy cestus, however.

Changing fighting styles. – page 87
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A character’s fighting style is chosen when battle begins and stays the same unless they decide to change it. Switching fighting style takes a move action in combat.

When a ranged weapon is used at a lower range than its optimal range, does it receive a penalty to attack? Even in contact range? – page 412
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No penalty, even in contact range.

When a PC uses a ranged attack against an enemy in melee range with another PC or an ally, do they receive a penalty to their attack? – page 86
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No penalty.

Cloaking, ambushes and surprise attacks
Can barrage X effects be used on unseen or invisible enemies? – page 414
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The barrage X effect requires a visible enemy. Invisible enemies will need to have been previously tagged with holotargeting, alternative vision modules, or the Ranger’s Vision ability in order to be targeted even with a barrage X effect.

Can a Knight use a lvl 2 phase module to ignore a surprise enemy attack? – page 431
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, the user must be aware of the incoming attack.

What modifiers apply when trying to attack an invisible character or creature? – page 152
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

When an enemy notices a character using the rule presented in the Rogue armour mechanics, they suffer no penalty to attack. The Knight is detected and can be freely attacked as normal. If a creature or character attempt to attack a target with another kind of invisibility:
- In contact range, the target adds a +2 bonus to their defence rating to represent the attacker having to guess where their target is.
- At range, the attacker suffers a 3 D penalty to attack and the target adds a +2 bonus to their reaction score, even if the attack is a random spray of bullets. These are the same rules as the smokescreen module (and they do not stack).

Creatures and adversaries
How are successive effects reducing an NPC’s defence or reaction values applied? What order are subtractions and divisions done in? – page 414
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

All mathematical operations in Avalon obey the following rule: divisions and multiplications first, subtractions and additions second. The order of the effects is unimportant, all of them apply at the same time when affecting defence and reaction scores, for instance.

Example: A PC uses a weapon with the barrage 2 and radiance 4 effects to attack an enemy’s weak point (detected by a Warmaster meta-armour’s Falcon module). The enemy’s defence score of 16 will become a defence score of 16 (16/2 (weak point) -2 from barrage -4 from radiance = 2). Also, all divisions are rounded down unless an effect states otherwise. If several multiplications were to apply to a same value, only multiply the base value. This means that if a 2 were to be doubled by two different effects, it would become a 6, not an 8.

Why is Jinzô Kaïdan’s wakizashi stronger than his katana? Why is Mister Takeshi’s katana different from Jinzô Kaïdan’s? – pages 261 and 262
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The wakizashi does appear to deal more damage. It does not have a violence rating, unlike the katana, making it more situational. The discrepancy between the two katanas is due to the weapons being tailored differently to their wielder, as is the case for many boss weapons.

How should several bands of the same type be treated in combat? What about bands of different types? Do their overrun values add together? Aren’t there a maximum number of adversaries a Knight can be engaged with at the same time? – page 101
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

GMs are free to use two or more bands in a single encounter, but they should preferably all be of different types (and factions). Two bands of the same type should join into one more resilient band, adding their cohesion together (but maintaining their overrun rating). Several different bands in the same encounter can and should inflict their overrun damage to each other, given the widespread nature of a band’s damage. It is up to the GM to decide how much ‘space’ is taken up by a band in an encounter, and whether there is enough room for them to fully apply their overrun.

On the topic of exceptional aspects, is there a correlation between the score of an exceptional aspect and whether it is minor or major? – page 100
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. Exceptional aspects have a type and a score. Major exceptional aspects include the effects granted by its minor version. Minor exceptional aspects only have the minor effects. The score itself only determines the number of automatic successes added to the NPC’s rolls, regardless of whether they are minor or major. Type and score are unrelated to one another. An NPC can have a minor (6) score and another, a major (2) score. This confusion might arise from the Druid meta-armour’s Wolf and Lin companions, whose minor/major aspects are directly dependent on their scores and the drones’ evolutions (see the Druid entries in this FAQ).

Does sunlight apply effects to creatures of the Anathema? – page 414
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Depending on how strong sunlight is in an area, the GM may choose to inflict a radiance 2 effect on creatures of the Anathema touched by its rays.

What modifiers apply when trying to attack an invisible character or creature? – page 152
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

When an enemy notices a character using the rule presented in the Rogue armour mechanics, they suffer no penalty to attack. The Knight is detected and can be freely attacked as normal. If a creature or character attempt to attack a target with another kind of invisibility:
- In contact range, the target adds a +2 bonus to their defence rating to represent the attacker having to guess where their target is.
- At range, the attacker suffers a 3 D penalty to attack and the target adds a +2 bonus to their reaction score, even if the attack is a random spray of bullets. These are the same rules as the smokescreen module (and they do not stack).

Bands, violence and overrun
c d'une bande équipée d'armes à projectiles ou capable de projeter une attaque (acide, ténèbres, etc.) ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

What advantage does a band with ranged capabilities (firearms, acid sprays, waves of darkness, etc.) get when dealing their overrun damage? – page 101 Bands with ranged weapons work exactly like bands with melee weapons, they just have a longer range. Many bands have access to both melee and ranged weaponry. All characters present in the conflict phase and in range of a band take its overrun damage each turn. The GM should provide some description and explanation for how this damage is inflicted.

Overrun ratings are intentionally abstract, a way to show dozens or hundreds of weak enemies coming together to deal increasing amounts of damage, in the manner of a death by a thousand cuts. The GM should feel free to mitigate or cancel overrun damage dealt to a PC if they react in interesting or clever ways, without making the band seem less of a threat.

Can invisible characters avoid taking overrun damage? – page 101
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

If a character is far from combat they take no overrun damage, but even if they are invisible, they take overrun damage if they are anywhere near their comrades. The bandmight not be able to see them, but the main point of bands is that they are unfocused hordes that overrun their targets and everything around them, dealing indiscriminate damage.

Meta-armour questions
If an armour’s EP equal 0, the character can no longer use any modules (whether they require energy or not) nor receive any of the advantages granted by their overdrives. Does this also apply to common shared modules (fold, rack, pack, homing beacon, etc.)? – pages 130 and 132
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

These modules do not require EP to function. Even at 0 EP, the knight’s armour still provides the basic functionalities listed above.

How is overdrive damage calculated? – page 412
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

“A character’s Strength characteristic […] is added to the damage of all melee weapons and modules. Remember that Strength overdrives provide a +3 damage bonus per level […]”

The takeaway here is that melee weapons add + (character’s Strength) + (3 per Strength OD). The weighted effect adds the Strength score a second time, but does not double the OD bonus. A weighted weapon’s damage bonus calculation is therefore + (character’s Strength × 2) + (3 per Strength OD).

Reminder: Other effects such as precise add another characteristic, but the effects specify when ODs are added as damage (usually written as “+1 per overdrive”). This means that most ODs add 1 point of damage when an appropriate weapon effect comes into play, but Strength is a special case (and also a better investment for the most part, since its bonus is +3 instead of +1 per overdrive).

Can Knights salvage weapons and modules from a defeated Knight of Darkness? – page 62
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Not usually, no. Recovering equipment left by a Knight of Darkness is a risky proposition. When one of Avalon’s finest becomes a true Knight of Darkness (and not just a renegade Knight), darkness claims the armour as well as its wearer. Using modules that were once part of a meta-armour belonging to a Knight of Darkness is almost a breach of Avalon’s code.

Weapons are likewise linked to a Knight’s armour. They are also infected by the darkness that took hold of their wielder, leading to unpredictable results. Furthermore, Knights are not scavengers. Any weapon or module reclaimed from a fallen Knight must be returned to the arsenal, either for purification or disposal.

Can a Knight prevent their armour from folding? – page 132
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

They cannot, apart from very specific circumstances (if the Knight is in space or deep underwater, for instance) or if the Knight succeeds at a highly complex Tech based skill check (the exact difficulty is left to the GM to decide). When in doubt, the armour’s AI (in other words, the GM) decides when it folds.

Does a Guardian suit maintain its force field even if it is reduced to 0 AP? – page 130
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


Does a meta-armour maintain its force field even if it is reduced to 0 AP? – page 130
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Meta-armour immediately folds when it reaches 0 AP, rendering its force field temporarily useless.

How many weapons can a Knight carry? –page 132
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A Knight’s rack module has 5 spots for 5 weapons of any type.

Do Strength ODs greater than 5 (obtained via Stances) give a +3 bonus to damage or a +1 bonus? – page 136
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Strength ODs greater than level 5 no longer give +3 damage per level but the usual +1 as with most other overdrives adding to damage. If a Warrior with high prestige manages to get 7 Strength ODs thanks to their Soldier Stance, the damage gained from their ODs is a total of +17: 5 × 3 (the normal 5 OD levels) + 2 (additional ODs).

Does a Paladin meta-armour with enough Evolutions to no longer be “Slow and heavy” still take up two spaces in a vehicle and are they still forbidden from using Steed bikes (which have a crew limit of 1)? – page 447
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The rule about Paladin armours taking up two spaces rather than one is not a consequence of its “Slow and heavy” disadvantage, appearing in the general rules on vehicles. Paladins can never use Steed bikes.

How does the Shrine ability work (clarifications)? – page 140
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

While inside a Shrine’s FF, all allied characters (PCs and NPCs) targeted by the Knight gain a 6 point increase to their FF, provided they already have a FF to increase. If a character has other FF increases provided by sources other than the Shrine (such as drone shielding), the effects stack.

Does Watchtower mode divide the Paladin’s initial reaction score or their total reaction score? – page 140
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

As with other rules, the character’s initial values (their substats) are divided by two, before adding or subtracting circumstance bonuses (pavise/ shield/buckler, fighting style, etc.). For example, a Paladin with a Ranged score of 5, one Ranged OD, and a pavise, will have a reaction score of 7 (6 ÷ 2 + 4) in Watchtower mode.

How do Shrines interact with bands with high Flesh scores? – page 140
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A band’s overrun score deals damage if they can reach and attack enemies inside the Shrine force field:

  • A band capable of passing through the Shrine will deal its overrun damage.
  • A band that cannot pass through the Shrine but has ranged weapons can shoot at people in the force field and deals its overrun damage too.
  • Bands that only do melee damage and cannot pass through the Shrine will not be able to deal their overrun damage.
  • In either case, the Shrine’s FF bonus applies against a band’s overwhelm damage.

Please note that the ignore FF effect also ignores Shrine FF, but does not allow the creature to pass through the Shrine itself (that depends solely on the NPC’s Flesh score).

Can a heavy weapon be used in Watchtower mode? – page 140
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Not usually, no. Most weapons with the heavy effect require a move action + combat action to be used. Watchtower mode only provides an additional combat action to be used to fire a ranged weapon. Using a heavy weapon in Watchtower mode is only possible if the character has an advantage such as ease or additional move actions.

Can different FF bonus values stack? – page 140
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. If a character gains different FF bonus values from the same type of source, they only take the highest one and add it to their usual FF value (they get the strongest Shrine or portable force field and ignore the lower ones).

Can one or more enemies focusing each turn on a Shrine while lacking the Strength or Flesh required to pass through it make it through eventually? – page 140
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. So long as the Paladin pays the Shrine’s EP upkeep each turn, it remains as strong as it was when first placed.

What effect does the level 4 Ranged overdrive have in Watchtower mode? – pages 140 and 443
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

None. The level 4 Ranged OD reduces the ambidextrous fighting style ranged penalty from 3 D to 1 D, but does not remove the ambidextrous restriction. Watchtower mode does not allow for use of the ambidextrous style, regardless of Ranged OD level.

What effect does ease have on slotted weapons? – pages 140 and 116
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

None. Ease allows a character to ignore the heavy weapon trait. The weapon still has the trait, though, and this prevents the weapon from being slotted (because weapons with it are too cumbersome).

How does Watchtower mode work (clarifications)? – page 140
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Watchtower mode provides its user with one additional combat action that can only be used for ranged attacks, starting on the turn following the mode’s activation. Each additional shot provided by Watchtower mode costs 1 energy point. Additional actions obtained by other means do not require this energy expenditure, the cost only applies to ranged attacks gained via Watchtower mode.

This meta-armour’s presentation describes its toollimbs. What effect do they have on the wearer’s ability to carry and use weapons, or perform additional actions? – page 143
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

None. The tool-limbs in the armour’s description are thematic flavour and nothing more. As precision tools, they cannot be used in battle as weapons. They serve no other purpose than to allow faster and better repairs, reflected by the meta-armour’s abilities and ODs.

Does the meta-armour’s third evolution prevent using its Falcon mode more than once per turn? – page 147
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The first Falcon mode activation each turn costs no action, and subsequent uses cost a move action.

Les impulsions de la Warmaster affectent-elles simultanément l'ascension et le chevalier en armure Shaman ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Non, la Shaman et son Ascension sont affectées séparément par les impulsions de la Warmaster.

Can action pulses be extended? – page 148
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


Can the Warmaster use a pulse on themselves, and if so, what is the cost? – page 148
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

They can. The cost is the standard activation cost (as if they were targeting an ally). It is often more cost-effective to target an ally and add the same pulse to the Warmaster for half the cost. The cost for a Warmaster giving themselves an Action pulse is 10 EP.

How many simultaneous pulses can a character (including the Warmaster themselves) have? – page 148
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A character can only be affected by one of each pulse at any given time. They can, however, have every single pulse effect at once, so long as the Warmaster can sustain the EP cost.

Does extending a pulse cost a move action or is it free? – page 148
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Extending a pulse does not cost another move action.

Does a pulse’s duration (in turns) need to be decided when it is applied, or can it be extended or cancelled on a turn-by-turn basis? – page 14
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Additional EP costs are paid when extending the effect. The Warmaster decides whether to extend a pulse effect each turn, spending the first turn’s EP cost when using the ability and spending additional energy as turns go by.

When using ambidextrous style or a weapon with cadence X, do all a Rogue’s attacks gain its Ghost mode’s damage bonus? – page 152
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, only the first one, unless the Rogue has a way of maintaining the element of surprise, by staying invisible, for example.

Can alternative vision modes of the Ranger’s Vision detect a knight in Ghost mode in the same way as exceptional Machine aspects can? – pages 152 and 156
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes, Ghost mode can be seen through by some vision modules, magnetic or thermal vision for instance. Ranger’s Vision can also allow them to “see that which is unseen.” As a rule, when a major or minor exceptional Machine aspect would allow invisibility to be countered, it is because they represent powers and abilities similar in nature to the Ranger’s Vision, to alternative vision modules, to specific ODs, or a mix of all the above.

When a Rogue activates their Ghost mode on a Steed bike, does the bike also become invisible? – page 152
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


When a Rogue activates their Ghost mode, do held weapons also become invisible? – page 152
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes, unless they have the radiance X effect, and they become visible at the same time as the meta-armour if its wearer makes any sudden movements, too much noise, does anything that creates light, or attacks.

Can a Knight wearing a Roguearmour use a combat action to place a smart grenade and sneak away before it detonates without breaking their invisibility? – page 152
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, when the PC uses a combat action in melee or at range, the Ghost effect immediately stops (unless they have the evolution allowing them to pay to extend the invisibility effect). Using a grenade is a ranged action: this breaks Ghost mode. Furthermore, smart grenades do not have the “silencer” effect and therefore Ghost mode damage bonuses do not apply to them, no matter how stealthily they are placed.

How do energy costs for effects the Ranger metaarmour adds to Longbow shots interact with multiple attacks in the same round (ambidextrous style, pulses, twin chambers upgrade...)? – page 156
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Each attack is unique, even if they happen in the same combat action. Energy costs are paid on a per-attack basis, and the Ranger is free to use some, all, or none of their available added effects on each shot.

How many effects can be used on a Longbow shot? A total of three, or three from each list? Per turn? Per shot?–page 156
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

3 per list and per shot. On each ranged attack, the Ranger may choose up to 3 separate effects from each list of effects available to them, and can change at will even on shots fired during the same turn. The effects are only available on the next shot fired (the next attack), although some effects may have a longer duration (for instance continuous damage, holo-targeting…). The appropriate amount of energy must be spent each shot/attack.

Can a Ranger’s Vision detect a Rogue in Ghost mode? – pages 152 and 156
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes, using the same rules as if they had an appropriate alternative vision module or a major exceptional Machine aspect score. This gives them 3 extra dice on a skill check to detect the Rogue, who loses their 3 automatic success advantage on their Stealth skill check.

Does the Machine based skill check to see through a Bard’s illusions need to be made for each individual illusion, or is one check enough for the Bard’s disguise and all their illusory beings? – page 160
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Only one check is required.

Do characters with major exceptional Machine aspects immediately see through illusory beings and Changeling mode disguises as soon as they see them, or only when they suspect that something is out of place? – page 160
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Judge this on a case-by-case basis. Individuals with supernatural senses might see through illusions right away, whereas more logical beings will have to investigate.

How do alternative vision modules interact with Changeling mode? – page 160
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A Ranger’s Vision automatically detects Changeling mode if the Knight chooses an appropriate vision type, pays an adequate amount of EP, and is looking in the right place. All other alternative vision modules give a 3 D bonus to opposed checks aimed at seeing through a Bard’s disguise or illusionary beings.

Exceptional Machine aspects give a bonus equal to their score (for minor exceptional aspects) or see through illusions automatically (for major exceptional aspects).

Can alternative vision modes of the Ranger’s Vision detect a bard’s illusory beings in the same way as exceptional Machine aspects can? – pages 160
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes, Bard illusions can be seen through by some vision modules, magnetic or thermal vision for instance. Ranger’s Vision can also allow them to “see that which is unseen.”

As a rule, when a major or minor exceptional Machine aspect would allow an illusion to be countered, it is because they represent powers and abilities similar in nature to the Ranger’s Vision, to alternative vision modules, to specific ODs, or a mix of all the above.

Do multiple explosion effects stack? – page 160
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The Bard’s disguise and their illusory beings are a single source of damage and do not stack with each other. The area affected by the explosion’s scatter varies depending on where the illusory beings are when the Bard’s Changeling mode expires. This also explains why the Bard has to have all their illusory beings explode or none of them at all.

Is the Bard wearer affected by their illusory beings’ explosions? What about their allies? – page 160
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The Bard wearer is unaffected by their illusory beings’ explosions, but their allies are not. Bards are affected by explosions caused by another Bard’s illusory beings.

Bards choose whether their illusory beings and their own disguise will explode or not when they deactivate their Changeling mode. When a Bard chooses to detonate their illusory beings, their AI measures how far each one is from the Bard’s allies and will suggest they refrain from detonating them. The Bard has final say in the matter.

When is it possible to detect a Bard meta-armour? – page 160
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

If the Bard uses Changeling mode and people nearby have no good cause to question its presence, no test is made to see through it. Seeing through the Bard’s disguise is a voluntary, active action, and cannot happen unintentionally.

Example: If the Bard is “disguised” as a Nodachi yojimbo and is seen at long range by a samurai in a crowd of metasoldiers, there is little reason for them to be detected as an impostor. If, on the other hand, the Bard is close to the samurai and talks to them, they is a greater likelihood of their arousing suspicion and of the samurai making a skill check to see the Bard for who they really are.

What is Changeling mode’s range? – page 160
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Basic Changeling mode’s illusory beings cannot move further than 10 feet from the user. From 150 GP and up, they must still be created at the same distance but can move up to medium range.

How does Oriflamme mode interact with the heroic abilities wrath of the righteous and fearsome blows? – page 164 and Codex – page 15
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Oriflamme is not a targeted attack. This means that neither of those heroic abilities affect the Oriflamme.

How does Borealis mode interact with an ally using two weapons (two cesti, for example)? – page 164
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Borealis mode covers all an ally’s weapons (including pods and turrets) when used, not just one weapon. This means it works with all manner of akimbo and ambidextrous fighting styles or additional weapons.

Can Borealis mode be used on a Monk meta-armour’s gauntlets to give their AEC attacks the anti-Anathema effect? – page 164 and 2038 – pag
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


How does Borealis mode work (clarifications)? – page 164
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

All three Borealis effects are independent uses of the mode.

  • 1 full round activation time and 6 EP gives one ally (+2 EP per additional ally) the anti-Anathema effect on their currently held weapons for the duration of the conflict phase.
  • 1 full round to use the plasma wreaths as a tool for 6 EP (per turn).
  • 1 combat action and 1 EP to use the plasma wreaths to attack.
  • None of these require activating any of the others. All EP costs are calculated and spent separately.
Why does Borealis mode not have a radiance X effect? – page 164
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The wreaths of plasma it creates do not give off light powerful enough to dazzle or hinder creatures of the Anathema, but they are radiant enough to pierce their dark defences. Use flare rocket pods or other modules to create radiance X instead!

Does Borealis mode require a Combat/Ranged skill check? – page 164
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

It might require a Ranged based skill check, depending on the shapes given to the wreaths of plasma.

Does Oriflamme mode require a Combat/Ranged skill check? – page 164
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. Damage is automatically dealt to all enemies in short range (medium range at 250 GP). Oriflamme mode affects anything not hiding behind cover when it is activated.

Can Oriflamme mode be used twice in one turn? – page 164
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes, provided the Wizard can spend the required EP and actions.

Can a Barbarian meta-armour in Goliath mode ride its Steed bike? – page 168
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, modules do not grow in size along with the metaarmour, and a Barbarian in Goliath mode is too big for that vehicle.

La précision dans le mode Goliath "s'il atteint les 6 mètres ou plus, ses attaques contre les structures et les véhicules sont considérées comme possédant l'effet anti-véhicule" signifie-t-il que l'effet anti-véhicule n'est pas applicable sur les PNJ colosse ou résistant ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

L’effet anti-véhicule s’applique bien contre les colosses (tous) et les structures, ainsi que les véhicules.

If a Barbarian meta-armour grows to 18 feet or bigger, does it gain the breach resilience effect? – page 168 and Atlas – page 14
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


Do a Barbarian’s increases to FF stack with a Paladin’s shrine or a portable force field module? – page 168
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

If the Barbarian’s size makes it too big to fully fit inside a Shrine or a portable force field, it gains no benefit from the ability/module.

Is additional damage due to size multiplied by akimbo style attacks? – page 168
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


How do modules interact with a Barbarian’s increased size? – page 168
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Modules retain their initial size and their base damage/violence. The armour’s additional automatic successes and bonus damage/violence reflect its increased size where applicable. Increases to damage/violence only apply to melee attacks.

Do cesti return to the knight’s rack above 18 feet? – page 168
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes, they actually rack at 18 feet and above. All weapons return to the rack, but not the armour’s modules. This means that a cestus racks, but fighting claws and arm blades do not.

How many move actions are required for a Goliath mode Barbarian to reach their full height? – page 168
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A single move action allows the user to reach any Goliath mode size available to them.

For mechanical purposes, a Barbarian’s base size is 6 feet. It can initially grow up to 18 feet (4 3-foot increases), then up to 24 feet (6 3-foot increases), and finally up to 30 feet (8 3-foot increases) with enough GP evolutions.

Does a base Strength combo Endurance skill check get twice the number of automatic successes? – page 168
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


Do automatic successes granted by Goliath mode only apply to Strength/Endurance based skill checks, or do they also apply to a Strength/Endurance combo? – page 168
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Base or combo, any skill check with one, the other, or both.

When in Tech configuration, the Druid meta-armour’s Wolf type companions provide a 3 point bonus per wolf to AP restored by repair actions. What is a repair action’s base difficulty? How many AP do these repairs restore when fixing a meta-armour, a vehicle, or a building? – Codex – page 35
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Repairing a meta-armour or a vehicle without assistance and without specialised tools is a difficulty 9 skill check, and restores 1D6 AP. This type of action is too lengthy to be handled during a conflict phase, and may only be performed outside of them.

When a Wolf or Lion companion’s exceptional aspect score goes above 5 it becomes a major exceptional aspect. Does this apply to other NPCs as well? – Codex – page 33
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. This rule only applies to Druid meta-armour companions (see the FAQ entry on exceptional aspects).

Can the Druid’s Lion companion be equipped with shoulder turrets? – Codex – page 33
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


When the Knight reaches a total of 200 GP, they unlock advanced modules. Weapons are included in a shoulder turret’s cost: the shoulder turret module costs X GP (where X = price of the turret + price of the weapon) which bypasses the Lion’s weapon purchase restriction. Other modules are for all intents and purposes “weapons” - arm blades, fighting claws, etc. - and the Lion can be equipped with those too.

Activating AEC mode in melee is described as striking an enemy with the Monk’s gauntlet. Does this mean they add their Strength to the attack damage? Furthermore, is this considered an “unarmed melee attack” with the base 1D6 damage for attacking an enemy without a weapon? – page 412 and 2038 – page 14
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

AEC mode damage is calculated as is, and can only be modified by modules.

Can an energy salvo or energy beam be augmented by a strike intensifier module when attacking in melee? – 2038 – page 14
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Bonus damage from a strike intensifier applies in contact range. When firing from any other distance, it does not.

When using AEC mode in melee, what score do I have to beat? Defence or reaction? – 2038 – page 14
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

If the Monk is using AEC mode as a Ranged attack, they target the enemy’s reaction. If they are using Combat, they target the enemy’s defence.

The Sorcerer’s prototype handicap increases the cost of all modules (5 GP more for standard modules, 10 GP more for advanced modules, and 15 GP more for rare modules). Does this price increase apply to each module upgrade level, or only when the module is “installed” at first level, with subsequent levels not costing more? – 2038 – page 18
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The increased cost applies to each individual module level.

How does the Sorcerer’s battle morphing ability work? Does the player have to choose one of the modules from the list at character creation and stick with it, or can they choose from the list each time they use the ability? – 2038 – page 18
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

They can choose one of the modules from the list each time they activate the ability. The module’s effects are chosen and locked in at character creation.

How do arm blades and other modules a Sorcerer can create/copy with its abilities function at high level? – 2038 – page 18
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

“Weapon effects usually chosen when these modules are purchased must be selected on character creation and cannot be changed.” Module effects are chosen and locked in at character creation and meta-armour selection, and do not change on activation.

Are Sorcerer meta-armours subject to the same restrictions on energy node usage as other armours, given its unique energy recovery limitations? – 2038 – page 18
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


How does EMP sensitive work?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

All meta-armours are vulnerable to EMP attacks.

Example: An EMP grenade with an interference 2 effect affects all Knights regardless of meta-armour. fourth generation meta-armours, however, have the added EMP Sensitive trait and behave differently.
When any EMP effect affects them, they suffer “at least” interference 4.

As a reminder, if the initial EMP effect is stronger than interference 4, then the higher value should be used.

À la fin du mode Ascension, les PE actuels de l'ascension sont-ils transférés à nouveau sur l'armure initiale ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Non, contrairement à la Druid, les PE actuels ne sont pas récupérés, seul le score total est réinitialisé à son maximum habituel.

Les impulsions de la Warmaster affectent-elles simultanément l'ascension et le chevalier en armure Shaman ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Non, la Shaman et son Ascension sont affectées séparément par les impulsions de la Warmaster.

Comment augmente la difficulté de l'Imprégnation de la Shaman lorsqu'on prolonge le mode Ascension ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Prolonger l’Ascension augmente l’Imprégnation, cependant, le jet doit seulement être fait à la fin du mode Ascension, à la difficulté adéquate.

Que signifie la parenthèse "(sauf fournis par la Forge ou armes de prestige)" dans la limitation des armes avec 5 effets ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Seuls les effets de base de l’arme sont pris en compte, le texte “améliorations d’armes inclus” est une coquille et doit être ignoré.

Le mode Forward indique "Les portées de déplacement du chevalier sont augmentées", mais précise ensuite "Une portée contact devient ainsi une portée courte". À quoi cette précision fait référence ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Il s’agit juste d’un rappel des règles d’augmentation de portée qui n’a pas d’impact dans ce passage spécifique. Cette précision pourrait être supprimée du texte dans de futures versions.

Le mode Forward de la Warlock parle d'augmenter son déplacement "normal". Comment cela fonctionne avec son OD1 de déplacement, installé nativement ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Les bonus sont exclusifs entre les OD de Déplacement et le mode Forward du déplacement normal.

La méta-armure Warlock peut elle utiliser des modules de tir et/ou des armes mise en tourelles ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Oui, elle peut recevoir des modules d’attaque à distance.

Comment fonctionne le mode Record de la Warlock avec l'effet oblitération ? Les dégâts max sont enregistrés, ou des jets de dégâts sont à faire sur la nouvelle cible si elle n'est pas un hostile ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Si l’attaque comprend des effets modifiant les dégâts (destructeur, oblitération, meurtrier, fureur, etc), un nouveau jet doit être effectué en tenant compte des conditions que remplit ou non la nouvelle cible.

Arsenal questions
General effect questions
Is a weapon with the burst fire effect allowed to reroll violence, or only damage rolls? – page 417
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The reroll is only for damage rolls.

Do multiple applications of barrage X effects stack when a character attacks more than once, with an action pulse for instance? – page 414
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, multiple barrage X effects from a single source applied several times in one turn do not stack. A character cannot inflict two or more barrage X weapon effects in the same turn, regardless of number of attacks.

Barrage X first says it costs an attack, then says a combat action. What precisely is required to inflict a barrage X effect? – page 414
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A barrage X effect uses an entire acti on, regardless of how many attacks that action would allow the character to make. If the weapon inflicting the barrage X effect is mounted on a shoulder turret, for instance, it would use a move action instead of a combat action.

How does the penetration X effect work when an enemy’s FF is greater than X? – page 417
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

It works this way: penetration X reduces a target’s FF by X. If a target has a FF rating of 14, an attack with penetration 6 reduces the FF to 8.

How does armour-piercing X interact with target armour when the target value is barely greater than X? – page 417
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Armour-piercing X effects ignore a target’s AP if the armour-piercing X effect is greater than the target’s current AP score. If an attack lands against a target with 45 AP and has an armour-piercing 40 effect, all damage is dealt to the target’s armour since it was not lower than 40 when the attack landed.

Are exceptional aspects added to the target aspect score when comparing the number of attack successes required to apply stun X? – page 414
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Neither OD values nor NPC exceptional aspects are added to a PC’s aspect (or half an NPC’s aspect) score when determining whether stun X is applied or not. Any effects ODs and exceptional aspects have on stun X are detailed in the Endurance OD and exceptional Flesh aspect descriptions.

Is it possible to use the level 5 Ranged OD with a weapon with cadence X to deal the weapon’s violence to a band several times in the same round? – pages 414 and 443
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, the OD5 bonus effect only applies once per turn.

Does a scatter X effect apply to each blow/shot during an attack action with more than one attack? – page 415
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


Les effets fureur et ultraviolence s'appliquent-t-ils lorsque l'on cherche à faire baisser la résilience d'un colosse ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Non, sauf idée exceptionnelle du joueur.

How does radiance X stack when several different levels are applied (clarification)? – page 416
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

If an attack with radiance Y is dealt after a radiance X attack, the higher of Y and X applies to the target both in terms of duration and strength. If a radiance effect of equally high strength is applied to a target, it simply refreshes the effect.

Est-ce que l'effet Dispersion X s'applique lorsque la capacité héroïque Art guerrier est activée ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.


Do cadence X and scatter X effects stack? – pages 414-415
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


Comment fonctionne l'effet cadence X lorsque la capacité héroïque Art guerrier est activée ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

La capacité héroïque ne se cumule pas avec l’effet et le surpasse.

Does anti-Anathema cancel all major exceptional Flesh bonuses? – pages 414 and 101
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, the anti-Anathema effect does not cancel wounding, barrage X, or stun X effects.

How does anti-Anathema work on flare rockets since they don’t deal damage? – pages 414 and 439
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

All attacks made in the zone lit up by a flare rocket with the anti-Anathema effect gain that effect during the rocket’s duration.

La grenade adhésive du lance grenade lourd et celui du bouclier amovible ont vu leur effet supprimé lors du passage à la v1.5, y a-t-il une raison à cela ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Les effets ont été supprimés pour des raisons de simplicité.

Can I attack the same target multiple times with a cadence X effect? – page 414
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. Cadence X cannot target the same enemy X times, it can only attack up to X individual enemies in the range specified in the effect description.

What is the difference between the radiance 4 effect of a UV rifle and the radiance 4 effect of a flare rocket? –page 416
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Radiance X, when applied by a module targeting a range or specific area (flare rocket pods, for instance) use the range and duration specified in the module description and affects all creatures within the zone for the duration, automatically (no attack roll required).

When radiance X is an effect applied as part of a weapon attack, whether the attack is a UV rifle, a Longbow special ammunition shot, or a flashbang grenade, it only affects the target or targets of the attack. The target (or targets) must be hit by the attack for the effect to work against them. The grenade affects more than one target thanks to its scatter X effect.

Some weapons have both the destructive effect and ignore armour or armour-piercing effects. Why? – pages 415-417
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Some creatures have no HP score. Against them, destructive always applies, ignoring ignore armour and armour-piercing effects. If a creature has HP and AP values, destructive still applies if the target’s AP are higher than the armour-piercing effect of the attack. If armour-piercing allows the attack to completely ignore the target’s AP, damage is dealt straight to the target’s HP and the destructive effect is ignored.

What types of creatures are affected by radiance X effects? – page 416
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Radiance X only affects creatures of the Anathema, not hopeless or Knights of Darkness.

Does a character affected by a stun X effect who cannot act at all during their turn suffer a disadvantage to their defence and reaction values? – page 414
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. They lose actions, but can still protect themselves. Their defence and reaction values remain intact. If the GM deems it appropriate, the attacker can get a bonus to their attack roll (up to +3 attack dice).

How does the Submission effect work? – page 417
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Here is an example:

Round 1:

A Knight rolls 7 successes on an attack and hits their target, dealing 6D6 + Strength + Dexterity damage and a submission effect.
The creature can attempt to break free with a Flesh roll, but only gets 7 successes and fails. If it had rolled 8 successes or more, it would have freed itself.
The creature can still attack the Knight. It hits and deals damage.

Round 2:

Since the creature is currently suffering from a submission effect, the Knight can do one of the following:
a They choose not to attack and automatically deal 6D6 + Strength + Dexterity damage. The difficulty required to break free of the submission effect remains the same.
b They make an attack roll, hit, and deal 6D6 + Strength + Dexterity damage while ignoring the creature’s FF or shielding if it has one. The submission difficulty check to break free changes to the last attack roll, even if it is lower than the 7 the Knight rolled on round 1.
c They make an attack roll and miss, dealing no damage and freeing the creature from the submission effect.
Let’s consider the first option: the creature attempts to break free with a Flesh roll, gets 8 successes and succeeds at freeing itself from the Knight’s grasp.
It can now do what it wants and chooses to attack an innocent Reject in range, for instance.

How does the chain attack effect interact with scatter? – page 415
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

An additional attack is granted if the primary target or any of the secondary targets from the scatter are defeated.

Is there a range limit on the chain attack effect? –page 415
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

This effect has no range limit. Additional attacks can be performed on any target within the weapon’s regular range. The effect ends if a target survives an attack or if there are no targets “within range.”

Example: Using a ranged weapon with a medium range, chain attack provides additional attacks so long as there are targets within medium range. A melee weapon with the effect only works as long as there are targets in contact range.

Can the twinned (ambidextrous) effect be added to identical weapons when adding the twinned effect? What about adding it to weapons with the twinned (akimbo) effect such as the networked pistol? – pages 416 and 428
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No and no.

Two identical weapons gain the twinned (ambidextrous) effect, and non-identical weapons gain the twinned (ambidextrous) effect. The twinned ranged weapon upgrade cannot give two identical weapons the twinned (ambidextrous) effect. This is intentional. Following the above rule, weapons with the twinned (akimbo) effect cannot obtain the twinned (ambidextrous) effect. They can obtain a twinned ambidextrous) effect so long as they are paired with different weapons.

If you want both, your best bet is to invest in Combat and Ranged overdrives.

How do holo-targeting and artillery effects interact? – pages 414-415
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A holo-targeted enemy can always be fired at, no matter how far away or how concealed it is or believes it is, even without a clear line of fire.

Artillery allows a ranged attack to ignore a shield, a chest-high wall, or large obstacle (by “lobbing” a shot over it, for instance) against targets that have previously been holo-targeted. Not having a line of fire is very different to having “lost track” of an enemy as mentioned in the previous question. Partial cover does not block line of sight, and several alternative vision modes allow characters to see through many kinds of obstacle.

How does the holo-targeting effect interact with module effects such as teleportation? – page 415
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Targets remain marked so long as the meta-armour can keep track of them somehow.

“Keeping track” is the part that requires a judgement call. Meta-armours are in constant communication via augmented reality networks. Some of them have satellite relays and enhanced sight and tracking modules. Others can log into local camera networks and CCTV in urban areas via wireless interfaces (RIGG).

All this contributes to a target having to move quite far away or be very ingenious to shake off a holo-targeting effect. The GM should use their best judgement.

Does the 1 automatic success from Holo-targeting apply to melee weapons? – page 435
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. The added success only applies to ranged attacks, not to melee weapons. The added automatic success only works on attacks targeting an enemy’s reaction, not their defence. As a reminder, ranged attacks can be used in melee range.

How many targets can a module or weapon with the holo-targeting effect tag (each turn and in total)? –page 415
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The effect can target and affect one adversary per turn so long as the module is active (this applies to the level 1 holo-targeting module and weapon effect of a similar nature)

Can I share my weapons with another member of my banner? – page 418
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Only in exceptional circumstances, as equipment is supposed to be tied to each individual Knight’s legend.

Does a buckler’s hands-free effect when folded prevent the use of a second shield in the other hand, or does it just prevent holding a shield on the same side as the folded buckler? – page 424
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

There cannot be two shields on the same arm, but there can be a folded shield in main hand and a pavise in the off-hand, or a folded buckler on both arms while holding a twohanded sword, for instance

Are the ammunition for rocket launchers (missiles and rockets) and heavy revolvers (T-800) single-use? – pages 422 and 424
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes. Ammunition for these weapons must be purchased with GP.

Can a Barbarian in Goliath mode use a chimera gauntlet? – page 168 and 2038 – page 34
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, chimera gauntlets are weapons and are subject to all the usual Goliath mode rules.

How does bonus damage or violence on a sonic blade work? How long do they last? – page 426
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The bonuses only apply to one attack. When an attack lands, the wielder must choose either violence, damage, or neither. 14D6 is the maximum total (4D6 base damage/violence and up to 10D6 additional damage/violence).

Does each attack obtained by a charged flail’s chain attack effect require the wielder to spend 1 EP? –page 424
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


The piston ram’s description says that it is “Not so useful in a combat situation, unless the target is already immobilised”. Does this have an effect in mechanical terms? (The weapon’s effects and stats do not show any particular downsides). – page 423
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. Weapon description text is purely cosmetic.

Do I have to purchase two stun batons? – page 423
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. The price is 40 GP for a pair of stun batons. They cannot be used with akimbo or ambidextrous fighting styles which require two one-handed weapons. The stun batons are a single two-handed weapon for game mechanic purposes.

Weapon enhancements
The coolant system weapon enhancement adds barrage 1. Does this work on a weapon that already has a barrage effect? – page 428
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

If the weapon already has a barrage X effect higher than the enhancement, the higher of the two effects applies. Multiple barrage X effects do not stack on the same weapon.

L'amélioration Chambre Double permet-elle d'attaquer deux fois la même cible, comme le dit sa description, ou l'effet cadence fonctionne-t-il normalement ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Non, la description générale qui fait référence à ça est un relicat d’une ancienne version qui aurait du être supprimée, l’effet Cadence X fonctionne normalement, pas de tir sur la même cible.

Il est indiqué qu'on ne peut pas faire gagner jumelé (ambidextrie) sur deux armes identiques avec l'amélioration d'arme à distance « Jumelage ». Cette limitation existe-t-elle aussi sur les armes de contact ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Cette restriction ne s’applique que pour l’amélioration d’arme de tir, pas pour la forge sur les armes de contact.

Are there any creatures capable of destroying weapons with the alpha reinforcement weapon enhancement? – page 427
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, no creatures with that ability exist yet.

Quand une arme améliorée avec une protection d'arme (+2 en réaction) est montée sur une tourelle d'épaule à déploiement automatisé, offre-t-elle en permanence son bonus à la réaction ? La même question peut se poser avec les armes dans les bras de la Paladin.
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Oui, le bonus de réaction s’applique. L’arme étant disponible et déployée, ses effets s’appliquent. En tourelle ou en main, ça ne change rien.

How do enhancement prerequisites work for modules with more than one level? – page 427
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

If the weapon or module has an effect that would prevent it from being enhanced either now or at a later time, the enhancement cannot be applied to the weapon or module regardless of its current level.

De combien d'emplacement pour améliorations dispose une arme à distance qui a les effets deux mains et lourd ? Même question pour les options de la forge pour les armes de contact.
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

On ne tient compte que de l’effet qui donne le plus d’emplacements, sauf indication contraire comme le Longbow.

Can a sprint module’s backlash damage deal more than half the target’s remaining HP/AP? – page 430
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The sprint module’s text reads “half the attack’s damage (rounded down),” in other words, half the damage dealt after rolling damage dice and adding bonuses. Even if the target only has 6 HP left, for instance, an attack that deals 40 damage with a sprint module will deal 20 points back to the attacker.

Regarding movement modules, range and speed values appear to be different for vehicles, which ones are correct? – page 430
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Speed and range are two distinct measures that are meant to be used in specific situations. Module distances are based on range, and are commonly used in conflict phases and scenes with limited, measured distances. Vehicles in these situations are either stationary or have reduced movement capabilities due to having to take into account weaving and dodging, not going in straight lines. In general, range should be considered over other mentioned distances.

Comment fonctionne le module "Déploiement pour méga-armure" (précisions) ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

La durée est d’une scène compléte et le PJ est obligé de payer 6 PE par tour, jusqu’à ce que les PE soient réduits à zéro ou que les PA de la méga-armure soient réduits à zéro. La méga-armure disparait et tous ses effets bonus aussi dès que ses PA supplémentaires sont perdus - les PA de la méga-armure sont toujours perdus en priorité.

How should the bull’s hide module’s phrasing “If the Knight runs out of AP, all remaining damage carries over to their health” be interpreted? – 2038 – page 31
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

AP is lost as usual, going down to zero points, and any damage left over is taken from the Knight’s HP (as if the ignore armour and armour-piercing X effects didn’t exist, as per the module’s rules).

Does additional damage from a Leap module used at the same time as a combat action apply to all the attacks made during that combat action, or only the first? – page 430
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Only the first.

Does holo-targeting provide bonuses to melee attacks, or only to ranged attacks? – page 415
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Only ranged attacks, not melee. Ranged attacks at contact range also get the bonus.

How does the Warbanner module work? Is there a way to modify its range or select its targets? – page 437
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The warbanner’s range cannot be modified, nor can its targets be changed to work only certain types of enemies. All creatures of the Anathema up to long range are attracted towards the user, in keeping with the module’s written limitations

Est-il possible d'installer une amélioration sur des modules qui contiennent une arme de contact (ex : lame de bras) ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Oui, mais avec les restrictions habituelles de la Forge.

Can weapon enhancements be applied to mounted weapons on modules (for example, to enhance a submachine gun on a shoulder turret)? – pages 427 and 440
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes. The weapon’s enhancement provides its effect as soon as the module activates.

Est-il possible d'installer une amélioration sur des armes de tir embarquées comme modules (ex : pistolet mitrailleur sur une tourelle d'épaule) ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Les effets de cette amélioration sont disponibles dès que le module est actif.

Accelerator modules provide their user with an additional move action first, then with an additional combat action. Can both these actions be used to fire a weapon with the heavy effect? – pages 416 and 439
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.


When firing a missile pod or another weapon with the artillery trait, if the target is holo-targeted, does the weapon automatically hit them? – pages 414 and 434
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. When a target is holo-targeted and the weapon has the artillery effect, the target loses any cover bonuses to its reaction score. The weapon’s ammunition must still be capable of reaching the target somehow, and a Ranged attack roll is still required. Furthermore, missile pods specifically require holo-targeting in order to fire (as one of the pod’s specific limitations).

What happens if an invisible character enters a zone scanned by sonar beads? – page 437
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Several things:

-The invisible character is detected, and appears as a radar “blip” on the whole banner’s meta-armour AR interfaces. This does not mean that the character is visible or can be seen, but they have been noticed and the likelihood of them taking their adversaries by surprise is drastically diminished. They can still take cover, however.
-The character is holo-targeted, so anyone shooting at them has a bonus and weapons with the artillery effect (and only those) can ignore any cover bonuses theinvisibility provides.
-If a knight with the predator alternative vision activates their module, they can use the beads’ holo-targeting effect to start tracking the target as per usual despite not having “seen” it.

Can I purchase two Head-mounted attack modules to get a +2D6 damage bonus? – page 432
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Effects from identical sources do not stack on an attack, so buying two of the same module provides no benefit.

How often can the Head-mounted attack module be used each turn? What about the Strike intensifier module? – page 432
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A free action can only be used once per turn. This means that a strike intensifier module and a level 1 head-mounted attack module can only be used once per turn, on an attack of the character’s choosing. They can both be used on the same attack.

Level 2 head-mounted attack modules and defensive cannons have “permanent” effects: they add their bonus on all relevant attacks, as often as required.

What is the range of sonar beads? – page 437
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The beads designate everything in short range around them, but they can be thrown up to medium range.

How far can a level 3 Leap module actually jump? – page 430
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Consider the maximum jump range somewhere upwards of half a mile.

Defensive cannon module clarification. – page 435
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Defensive cannon module violence is always applied to ranged attacks at short range (levels 1 and 2) and medium range (level 3) and does not require an action, not even a free action.

How do fighting styles interact with weapons such as missile pods or shoulder turrets? Can I use a missile pod if I am in ambidextrous or akimbo style? – page 87
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes. As mentioned in the rules: “The PC suffers a 3 dice penalty to their ranged and combat attack rolls.” This penalty applies to attacks made with a missile pod. Independent turrets (ones with their own fixed dice pool) do not use the character’s fighting style and are unaffected by these penalties.

Does the difficulty rating for attacking a moving vehicle replace the driver or pilot’s defence rating, or are they added together? Do other defence modifiers (OD, shields, etc.) help? – page 105
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The score to beat to hit a vehicle replaces the character’s usual defence rating. Other modifiers may apply, but should be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Steed bikes have onboard foldable shotguns. Can it be removed from the bike? –page 447
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. It is attached to the bike itself.

Other foldable shotguns are mentioned in vehicle descriptions like in vectors, or in Avalon outposts next to fire extinguishers and in Camelot itself, and these can all be freely used.

How is damage dealt to a Knight on a Steed bike or in a vehicle? – page 105
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Weapons with the anti-vehicle effect deal their full damage to a vehicle’s AP. For each whole 5 AP lost by the vehicle, all people onboard (pilot and passengers) lose 1 HP with no FF reduction or protection from Guardian suits or metaarmour. A weapon without the anti-vehicle effect deals its damage divided by 10 and must therefore deal 50 damage in order for the vehicle to lose 5 AP and damage the people inside for 1 HP.

Someone riding a steed bike is much less protected than someone in a vector, and can be targeted directly without having to damage the vehicle. If the rider is attacked directly, the vehicle provides no additional armour.

Why do vehicles have an energy stat? – page 446
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A vehicle’s energy points represent its fuel cells, its gas, kerosene, etc. Some vehicle abilities and effects require energy to be activated, drawing on their tanks. Without a way to recharge them, vehicles can run dry and no longer function. Energy nodes and resting long enough for the batteries to recharge work in the same way as meta-armour energy recuperation.

Normal use of a vehicle doesn’t drain its EPs, although the GM can overrule this in some extreme situations.

Clarifications about vehicle speeds. – page 104
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Vehicles’ listed speed values are indicative of their maximum speed in a straight line on a clear, flat surface or open sky. Obstacles and weather hazards can reduce a vehicle’s speed rating by 1 or 2 points (at the GM’s discretion) until they get clear of these hindrances.

Is it possible to use the level 5 Ranged OD with a weapon with cadence X to deal the weapon’s violence to a band several times in the same round? – pages 414 and 443
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, the OD5 bonus effect only applies once per turn.

When using a level 5 Combat or Ranged OD, do weapon effects also apply to the band? What about assisted aim? – pages 415 and 443
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, the bonus the OD provides is the weapon’s violence with no other modifiers. Assisted aim only affects the primary target.

How does the Movement OD affect sprint modules, exactly? – pages 430 and 441
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A Knight with a sprint module and a Movement Overdrive may use their move action to move up to medium range (thanks to the sprint module), and then immediately perform an additional short-range movement (thanks to the OD).

Distance recap:

Movement method With level 1 Movement OD With level 3 Movement OD
Move action 50 feet: short range instead of the usual 30 feet 150 feet: medium range instead of the usual 30 feet
Level 1 Sprint module 200 feet: medium range from module + 50 feet from OD, in a single move action 300 feet: medium range from module + 150 feet from OD, in a single move action
Level 2 Sprint module 1000 feet: long range from module + 50 feet from OD, in a single move action 1150 feet: long range from module + 150 feet from OD, in a single move action
Level 3 Sprint module 16500 feet: far range from module (vehicle speed limit) + 50 feet from OD, in a single move action 16600 feet: far range from module (vehicle speed limit) + 150 feet from OD, in a single move action
Overdrive clarifications. – page 441
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Overdrives that come with the armour during character creation are, for all intents and purposes, regular overdrives that can provide additional benefits to their user.

Any abilities and powers granted by an OD are always available and do not require the use of their associated characteristic in a combo for them to work. For example, Strength does not need to be part of an attack combo in order to get the added Strength OD damage bonuses.

Another example is the level 4 Dexterity OD which allows its user to replace their Combat characteristic with their Dexterity, while also enjoying the benefits their Combat ODs have to offer in terms of reducing penalties on akimbo or ambidextrous fighting styles.

The only advantage of an OD that is passed up when not using the associated characteristic in a combo is the automatic successes they provide.

Other equipments
What are the rules about breaking equipment? – page 419
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

To determine whether a weapon or piece of equipment can be broken, consider their durability rating depending on their quality:
- Breaking a standard availability weapon requires a Strength based skill check (or a Flesh aspect skill check for an NPC) at complex difficulty (5).
- Breaking an advanced availability weapon requires a Strength based skill check (or a Flesh aspect skill check for an NPC) at complex difficulty (7).
- Breaking a rare availability weapon requires a Strength based skill check (or a Flesh aspect skill check for an NPC) at insurmountable difficulty (12). Only combat modules can be destroyed and follow the same rules as weapons above.

Dans le codex 5, page 8, il est dit que l'art inflige 1D6 à 4D6 de violence/dégâts en fonction de la qualité du jet, avec l'effet espérance en sus. Quelle est la fréquence de ces dégâts/violence (par round ou une fois pour toute pour la durée du combat) ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Les dégâts et la violence ont lieu à chaque tour. Cependant d’éventuels effets qui redonnent de l’espoir ne fonctionnent qu’une fois par scène ou par phase de conflit.

Rules system questions
Advantages / Disadvantages
During character creation, can I choose both an arcanum’s (tarot card) advantage and its disadvantage? – page 114
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes. The phrasing “Each arcanum can only be drawn once per character” means it can only be selected once for its related bonuses. For example, the spiritual fortress advantage cannot be taken twice to get a +10 hope point bonus, and hard-boiled cannot be picked twice for +10 HP. A card’s advantage and disadvantage can both be selected, however.

Sur l'arcane N°11 la Force, comment se traduit la réduction de difficulté sur un test base Tir ou Combat de l'atout d'IA "Combative" ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

L’atout offre une réussite automatique.

How does the humanist disadvantage work? When the PC suffers the despairing effect, do they automatically lose 1D6+6 hope points? – page 170
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Despairing’s usual 1D6 loss is replaced by a 1D6+6 loss, but the rest of the effect remains the same. This means that the PC only loses 1D6+6 hope points if they fail their hope check.

Core system, combos and actions
Can I split a move action to perform hit-and-run manoeuvres? – page 85
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Move actions are performed in one go, and cannot be split. If a character wants to perform more than one move per turn, additional move actions must be gained from modules.

How do force fields add to each other? – page 130
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

When not specifically stated (as in the case of the portable force field), the rule is simple: force fields from different sources are simply added together. Two Paladin metaarmour shrines cannot apply to the same target, nor to a target protected by a portable force field. Drone shielding, on the other hand, adds its FF value to Shrines (or portable force fields). Two portable force fields placed by separate knights do not stack (same source, the portable force field), etc.

Les effets baissant la défense/réaction ainsi que le point faible doivent-ils être pris en compte dans le calcul des dégâts infligés à la résilience ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Oui, ce sont les réussites excédentaires après applications des baisses de défense et de réaction qui sont à prendre en compte.

Is it possible to deal attack damage or violence more than once on a single target in one combat action, either in melee or ranged, by mixing effects/abilities/ODs (cadence X, scatter X, art of war, Ranged OD 5, Combat OD 5...)? – page 100
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, each attack can only deal damage/violence once to a given enemy. If more than one hit is implied in an ability or its description, only apply the strongest source of damage or violence for that attack, per target.

When rolling a skill check against a PC, should their ODs be added to the characteristic chosen as difficulty in the same way that exceptional aspects are added to NPC characteristics? – page 84
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

If they are wearing their meta-armour then yes, ODs should be added, except for special cases at the GM’s discretion.

Can I attack more than one enemy weak point with combo +1? – page 103
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

You can, but it does not add any additional benefits. The target’s defence and reaction scores remain halved, not divided by three.

Le Mode Héroïque diffère entre le livre de base 1.5, l'écran de la Geste et le livret des personnages. Il est question d'ajouter, dans le livre de base, les réussites en dégâts/violence, et pour l'écran et le livret, de les ajouter en D6 de dégâts/violence. Quelle est la bonne version ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

La bonne version du mode Héroïque est celle décrite sur l’écran de la Geste et le livret des personnages.

How do I calculate opposing skill check difficulties outside combat from an NPC profile? – page 100
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Opposing skill check difficulty = (aspect / 2) + (exceptional aspect score if any).

If I spend a turn running, can I cover more ground than by doing two move actions? – page 85
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. One turn spent running is the same as doing two move actions.

Mode Bataille
Si un événement n'est pas disponible (p.ex; car il faut un prérequis de moral ou autre), fait-il quand même perdre des points de moral en tant qu'action non entreprise ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Si un objectif est déclenché par un événement, tant qu’il n’est pas activé, il n’engendre aucune perte ou gain de moral.

Question sur les suppléments
Deux types d'armes prestige semblent évoqués p. 84 et p. 85, pourquoi ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Ce sont bien deux choses différentes :

D’un côté ce sont les règles pour créer un Katana ou un Daisho, spécifiquement une arme “de clan” du Nodachi, tandis que l’autre, c’est la possibilité de fabriquer une arme “sur mesure” en utilisant les règles de prestige de 2038 - pour les PJ qui souhaitent avoir autre chose qu’une lame issue de la famille des Katanas.

Un yojimbo obtient 50 PM + 50 × Rang d’Honneur PM supplémentaires à la création, ce qui lui permet d’acheter un Katana de prestige (ou autre arme de contact de la famille des Katana) en utilisant cette deuxième méthode.

Clarification : les 50PM/Rang de la création sont utilisables de façon conjointe à la création. Par la suite, quand on franchit un rang, on doit les dépenser en une fois. Il est donc avantageux de commencer avec un rang d’honneur élevé au début du jeu. En dehors de cela, il est indiqué dans Nodachi que “le MJ décide des adaptations qui sont possibles ou non lorsqu’un personnage change radicalement de statut ou d’affectation en cours de jeu : quels sont les équipements qui sont conservés, échangés ou perdus”.

Différences entre le texte page 61 et 67 et le tableau page 68 pour les réglages des OD pour l'armure O'Yoroï
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Le texte est le bon, le tableau devrait indiquer +1 et 5 réglages au niveau 5.

Comment fonctionne l'inconvénient Egoïste dans Nodachi puisqu'il n'y a pas de mode héroïque (Arcane du Soleil)
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Le fait d’avoir un comportement “égoïste” (penser à soi, avant de penser au clan ou à l’organisation) est en soi sujet à provoquer régulièrement des perte d’Honneur s’il est joué correctement en roleplay. C’est un désavantage suffisant, la partie sur le mode héroïque est tout simplement ignorée.

Comment fonctionne l'énergie pour les modules de ninjas ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

D’une manière générale, les modules en version cybernétique ne coûtent pas d’énergie. Attention ils sont indiqués dans le tableau avec la mention “cybernétique” en toute lettre.

  • Griffes de combat, lames de bras, module dard, interface sensitive RIGG, module de déplacement silencieux (en attaque) : Ces modules sont utilisables à chaque fois que le ninja en a besoin, au prix d’une action de combat, à condition de le préciser au moment de l’action.
  • Module de course, module de saut, module de déplacement silencieux (en déplacement) : Ces modules sont utilisés à chaque fois que le ninja en a besoin, au prix d’une action de déplacement, à condition de le préciser au moment de l’action, et un seul des trois à la fois même si on en possède plusieurs.
  • Vue alternative : On ne peut utiliser qu’un mode de vue à la fois, et en changer coûte une action de déplacement (comme n’importe quelle option qu’on change par ailleurs)
  • Le diffuseur de NanoM ne se déclenche qu’une fois, y compris si le personnage atteint 0 points de santé, et ne coûte pas d’énergie : dans ses effets, il manque donc Chargeur 1.
  • Le module d’adhérence, au niveau 1 coûte de l’énergie qui ne peut venir que d’un exosquelette ou d’une tenue Zanshin — concrètement il n’apporte “rien de plus” que son équivalent dans la tenue Zanshin, à part qu’il est un pré-requis pour le niveau 2 qui n’existe qu’en cybernétique.
  • Le module d’adhérence, au niveau 2 fonctionne comme les modules de saut/course : une action de déplacement pour l’utiliser, ne peut pas être combiné avec les autres modules de déplacement (cf plus haut) et il ne coûte plus d’énergie du tout.

Attention : le grappin, le module satellite, et le module d’adhérence niveau 1 sont des options pour la TENUE ZANSHIN (c’est écrit dans la ligne du tableau). Notez que le module d’adhérence niveau 1 version “tenue zanshin” ne peut pas servir de pré-requis pour le niveau 2 cybernétique par la suite. En revanche, il ne coûte pas de slot de cybernétique, donc il ne vous consomme pas d’emplacement ayant pu servir à des OD… C’est un choix de construction de personnage.
Tous ces modules “dans la tenue” demandent de l’énergie normalement.

Errata : Nodachi p 71 (texte tronqué)
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Lorsqu’elle est portée seule et avec certaines pièces d’équipement, comme des bottes, une visière et des gants de ninja (voir p. 81), elle donne un style très reconnaissable aux combattants de l’ombre, et lui confère une réserve de 5 points d’énergie.

Un ninja en combinaison Zanshin possède-t-il des nods ?
Jan. 17, 2025, 12:22 p.m.

Non, pas de nods.