Crests list

When donning their Knightly mantle, a freshly trained squire picks or is assigned a crest as part of the Knighting ceremony. A vow is attached to each crest, giving the character an additional lesser motivation. Aside from the extra motivation, crests serve only as roleplaying elements in Knight. Players are free to follow their crest’s ideals to the letter or compose with their own moral codes or sense of priorities (which usually make the crest’s motivation harder to fulfil). Players choose one of the following crests.

Name Vow Description
Bear Save human lives Bear is a ferocious protector. It is worn by guardians, sentinels, bodyguards, and generally all those who seek to protect human life. Knights wearing the crest of the Bear place …
Boar Fulfil the current objective or objectives, whatever the cost. Diligent, hardworking, always aiming to complete their objective in spite of hurdles and adversaries alike, such is Boar’s way. Younger Knights who wish to follow a simple vow often choose …
Bull Obey Avalon’s code of honour when on a mission in its name. Bull is stubborn and lives its life by following the code that binds it. Knights wearing this crest are loyal to Avalon to a fault, and utterly trust its members …
Dragon Heed and obey local laws, and always tell the truth. Knights wearing the Dragon’s crest are reputedly the most honest, forthright, pure, and respected of them all. They follow the laws Humankind makes, old and new.
Eagle Uphold Avalon’s code of honour when it appears to have been broken. Those sworn to the Eagle are called ’the just,’ making sure justice is served both inside Avalon and out. They uphold Avalon’s laws wherever they go, and whoever they meet …
Hawk To slay, unaided, a badass or a boss of the Anathema. The hawk symbolises the search for light and annihilation of one’s enemies. It is the most warlike of crests, used to depict flames and battles. Knights bearing the hawk are …
Horse Show fidelity and loyalty towards an important individual, and protect them with one’s life This crest symbolises loyalty and fidelity towards people one considers important or valuable superiors. Many members of the Gargoyle division choose to proudly wear the crest of the horse. Knights …
Lion Never flee from an enemy if innocent lives are at stake. Lion is courage, willingness to fight for one’s ideals and for those it holds dear, heedless of fear and pain. It is one of the most widespread crests in Avalon.
Raven Help solve crimes, particularly kidnappings, murder, and assassination cases. Raven symbolises understanding. Knights with this crest must be inquisitive and ready to listen to what others have to say. Those who specialise as detectives and investigators often choose to …
Serpent Uncover the Anathema’s hidden mysteries. Symbol of knowledge but also of darkness, few Knights eagerly choose the crest of the Serpent. Mistrusted by their peers, they seem to stray closer to the dark than others, …
Stag Obey orders issued by Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table to the letter. Stag symbolises honour, respect, and obedience of one’s superiors. Characters with this crest are deferential, obedient, faithful servants of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
Wolf Protect any Knight in danger. Wolf represents a banner’s pack mentality. Those who wear this crest are more willing than most to cooperate with and protect their fellow Knights, to the point of laying down …