Archetypes list

Knight Player Characters are powerful heroes, capable of imagination-defying feats. They are Avalon’s finest –its vaunted Knights. They are also individuals with their own backstories, their lives, their past. Knight character creation is divided into 10 steps. Bit by bit, these steps allow you to create a fully fleshed-out character.

Name Description Charac. Bonus
Artist As a natural born creator, blessed with a talent unquenched by the Anathema’s arrival, this character’s passion and fervour are an invigorating balm to those who see them work. Their …
  • Aggression
  • Aura
Born Leader This character is a natural leader, born to command others and inspire respect. They were – and probably still are – able to organise people around them with ease. Their …
  • Aura
  • Instinct
Celebrity The character’s talent, hard work, or maybe simple luck and being in the right place at the right time, have all led to fame and recognition in the public eye. …
  • Aura
  • Eloquence
Citizen Following the Immortals and their promise of safety, the character became a Citizen. They may not be the most fervent believer in the Immortals, but are swayed by their charisma …
  • Tech
  • Stealth
Combatant Up until recently, the character lived to fight. Weapons, battles, and the thrill of close encounters with death were their daily lot. Trained to react as only a professional warrior …
  • Combat
  • Ranged
Custom archetype If none of these archetypes appeals to the player then they may, with the GM’s approval, create a custom archetype, with a point added to two appropriate characteristics. Two distinct one, to choose
Ex Secret Service Before joining Avalon, the character was a secret agent, a spy in the service of a country or state. They were probably specialised in intelligence gathering or even assassination. They …
  • Stealth
  • Combat OR Ranged
Force of nature The character has always relied on their brute strength to see them through in life. This does not mean they are slower or less clever than others, just that using …
  • Strength
  • Endurance
Free Territory Resident The character hails from one of the free territories. Whether in the UAN or elsewhere, this character saw the arrival of the Immortals and the appearance of the Anathema from …
  • Knowledge
  • Eloquence
Genius This Knight is a genius, a top scientific mind, or simply an authority on a complex subject. They have probably contributed significantly to their field of research, and can talk …
  • Knowledge
  • Tech
Independent The character always thought of themselves as a free agent, travelling the world over to explore its darkest recesses. More than just an occupation, delving into the dark corners of …
  • Instinct
  • Acuity
Member of a secret society The character was, up until very recently, part of a secret society, working behind the scenes to manipulate world events in their favour. They may have been evicted from the …
  • Knowledge
  • Combat OR Ranged
Nodachi agent The character was probably a Nodachi agent before the organisation’s true nature was revealed to the world. They defended Japan and obeyed their shogun’s orders, following the emperor’s commands with …
  • Dexterity
  • Combat OR Ranged
Outlaw Before being recruited by Avalon, the character was a criminal, an outlaw, hunted by several police forces, and had possibly been previously arrested for carrying out abominable deeds. If that …
  • Composure
  • Stealth
Reject Refusing to bow to the will of the Immortals, the character was determined to live a free existence, far from unjust authority. Citizens and Immortals alike brand them Rejects, a …
  • Movement
  • Endurance
Religious Figure More than merely a devout believer, the character was a leading figure of their chosen faith – a priest, a rabbi, an imam, or an active member of one of …
  • Composure
  • Aggression
Survivor The character has survived the worst the world had to throw at them. They survived hardships that would fell lesser humans, weathering the storm and rolling with the blows, steadfast …
  • Endurance
  • Aggression
Traveller Before the world ended, and for a while after the Anathema arrived, the character was a traveller. Never putting down roots, never staying in one place for long, going from …
  • Movement
  • Acuity
Charac. Bonus
Aggression Aura
As a natural born creator, blessed with a talent unquenched by the Anathema’s arrival, this character’s passion and fervour are an invigorating balm to those who see them work. Their talent, in the right place and time, can move mountains – and Avalon knows it. The character may have been a painter or a sculptor, pouring their life and soul into their work. Or they may have been a politically inclined singer, talented but too committed to a cause to reach widespread popularity. They may also be a modern artist, expressing their talents in uncomfortable, incomprehensible ways.
Charac. Bonus
Aura Instinct
This character is a natural leader, born to command others and inspire respect. They were – and probably still are – able to organise people around them with ease. Their orders are clear, precise, delivered with sharp and confident assurance. The character may have been a former up-and-coming politician, a senator or governor perhaps. They may also have been the leader of a reject settlement, mayor of a town, or head of a lost tribe. They may also have had a less prominent role, such as a police or military officer, leading squads of personnel on the field or in the streets, where strong direction and decisiveness are indispensable.
Charac. Bonus
Aura Eloquence
The character’s talent, hard work, or maybe simple luck and being in the right place at the right time, have all led to fame and recognition in the public eye. They may have been a famous socialite, part of the old world’s decadent jet-setting elite, using their wealth to buy even more undeserved recognition and praise. At the other end of the spectrum, they may have been a rock star or a famous Hollywood actor, adored and idolised by the masses. They could also be a washed up, forgotten singer, their glory days far behind them, making the most of what dwindling notoriety they still have.
Charac. Bonus
Tech Stealth
Following the Immortals and their promise of safety, the character became a Citizen. They may not be the most fervent believer in the Immortals, but are swayed by their charisma and appeal nonetheless. Before becoming a Knight, they may have been from the lowest ranks of ark society, one of the destitute. Or they may have been a high-ranking official, a service head or administrator, overseeing huge numbers of other Citizens. They may have simply been a part of the faceless hordes of regular Citizens, lost in the crowd, as obedient as a well-trained dog and twice as loyal.
Charac. Bonus
Combat Ranged
Up until recently, the character lived to fight. Weapons, battles, and the thrill of close encounters with death were their daily lot. Trained to react as only a professional warrior or soldier can. They may have been part of one of the many military forces of the old world, like Eurocorps or the UAN army. They may have been part of a special forces team, SWAT, Spec Ops, SAS, Spetsnaz, etc. They may have been a mercenary, part of a private army, or a soldier of fortune, selling their skills to the highest bidder.
Charac. Bonus
Two distinct one, to choose
If none of these archetypes appeals to the player then they may, with the GM’s approval, create a custom archetype, with a point added to two appropriate characteristics.
Charac. Bonus
Stealth Combat OR Ranged
Before joining Avalon, the character was a secret agent, a spy in the service of a country or state. They were probably specialised in intelligence gathering or even assassination. They were doubtless recruited in recognition of their very particular set of skills. The character may have been a Monna-Molelo or CIA field agent, specializing in risky missions in enemy territory. They may have been an analyst for the NSA or Mossad, discreet and skilled at uncovering secrets from partial information. They may also have been an undercover agent, posing as a fanatic or a gangster, used to biding their time and pretending to be someone else for months on end.
Charac. Bonus
Strength Endurance
The character has always relied on their brute strength to see them through in life. This does not mean they are slower or less clever than others, just that using their impressive physique was always an easier solution than using their wits. The Knight may be a former athlete or professional sports player, used to using their natural strengths to excel at weight lifting, playing football, or any other physically intense sport. They may also have been a martial artist, boxer, or other contact sports fighter. They may also never have had to lift a weapon or throw a punch their whole life, using their colossal strength to help them in their work as a miner, a lumberjack, or a firefighter.
Charac. Bonus
Knowledge Eloquence
The character hails from one of the free territories. Whether in the UAN or elsewhere, this character saw the arrival of the Immortals and the appearance of the Anathema from the outside. They may have been living in South America, been a local celebrity, or a member of one of the many cults that sprung up on the continent in the years following the Anathema. They may have lived in the UAN, a simple civilian, corrupt politician, a diplomat, or a renowned scientist. They may even have been from one of the myriad islands off the coast of Asia, weathering the arrival of the darkness so much better than the rest of the world.
Charac. Bonus
Knowledge Tech
This Knight is a genius, a top scientific mind, or simply an authority on a complex subject. They have probably contributed significantly to their field of research, and can talk – at great length – about their chosen topic and work. They may have been a renowned university professor, publishing paper after paper in scientific journals. They may also have been the head of teams of engineers or R&D departments working on projects ahead of their time, paving the way for breakthroughs with risky experiments. The character may also have been an independent inventor, someone whose creations have quietly made life better for millions of people, without ever seeking fame or recognition.
Charac. Bonus
Instinct Acuity
The character always thought of themselves as a free agent, travelling the world over to explore its darkest recesses. More than just an occupation, delving into the dark corners of the earth became a way of life for them. Their chosen profession before the Anathema reflects their curiosity and wanderlust. They may have been a freelance journalist, always on the lookout for their next scoop, for an overseas scandal that would rock the foundations of corporations back home. Maybe they were a private eye, lurking in the shadows, following unsavoury people, shining a light on their darkest secrets. They may simply be an independent contractor, working for the highest bidder, protecting a business venture, a wealthy family, carrying out tasks ranging from the mundane to the deadly.
Charac. Bonus
Knowledge Combat OR Ranged
The character was, up until very recently, part of a secret society, working behind the scenes to manipulate world events in their favour. They may have been evicted from the group or have chosen to run away. Either way, they doubtless know several key secrets about their former allies and bosses, but that also makes them a target. They may have been part of the secretive Black Cell, rumoured to employ the most inhumane tactics to reach their objectives. They may have been part of the Foundation, a diverse group of people who were investigating the Anathema before it ever appeared on Earth (in which case the Knight has mysteriously forgotten anything they learned during their time with the Foundation). They may even have been one of the notorious Illuminati, men and women glorifying light and steering the world towards a new world order.
Charac. Bonus
Dexterity Combat OR Ranged
The character was probably a Nodachi agent before the organisation’s true nature was revealed to the world. They defended Japan and obeyed their shogun’s orders, following the emperor’s commands with diligence and utmost respect. Their loyalty to their country was without equal. Something went wrong, however, and they are now no longer a member of their former organisation. They may have been fired or quit after performing acts too savage for their conscience to stand, or fallen foul of rivalry and in-fighting in the Nodachi’s ranks... They may have been a simple foot soldier, following their commander’s orders. They may have been a shinobi, silencing targets in the shadows, abducting and torturing Japan’s adversaries on command. They may even have been one of the 88 samurai, the shogun’s finest, able to stand toe to toe with one of Avalon’s Knights. In that case, the player will have to come up with a good reason for their character to have fled the Nodachi.
Charac. Bonus
Composure Stealth
Before being recruited by Avalon, the character was a criminal, an outlaw, hunted by several police forces, and had possibly been previously arrested for carrying out abominable deeds. If that was the case, their freedom hinges on their obeying Avalon’s doctrine and orders to the letter. Any display of disobedience or flagging loyalty is a sure-fire way to end up in prison again. The character may be a former thief, bank robber, or highwayman, looking for easy money. They may have been a dealer of illegal goods such as drugs or weapons, in a crime syndicate or a gang, capable of finding and fencing anything to pad their wallet or their ego. They may have been a cold-blooded killer or gun for hire, with a list of confirmed kills long enough to have earned them several life sentences. This archetype comes with an added character constraint. Outlaw characters are on a path of redemption, seeking to cleanse their dishonourable past by proving that they too can be heroes. Their main motivation is almost a given. In any case, they are no longer the criminal they once were. They must show their willingness to better themselves, to rise above their past.
Charac. Bonus
Movement Endurance
Refusing to bow to the will of the Immortals, the character was determined to live a free existence, far from unjust authority. Citizens and Immortals alike brand them Rejects, a title they now wear with pride. They may have been a self-reliant survivalist, leading a life of hardship, struggles, violence, going thirsty and hungry. They may also have been a rebel, an idealist shunning the arks and all their trappings, planning raids on the Immortals’ supply depots and convoys. They may even have been one of the cut-throat savages preying on other Reject communities, pillaging and destroying innocent settlements to survive.
Charac. Bonus
Composure Aggression
More than merely a devout believer, the character was a leading figure of their chosen faith – a priest, a rabbi, an imam, or an active member of one of the lesser-known religious sects from around the world. Through steadfast conviction and by branding the darkness an enemy of their doctrine, they have forged the kind of iron will required of a Knight of Avalon. The character may have been a preacher, from one of the three great monotheistic religions. They may have been an important member of a sun cult, or worshippers of light, or angels, or any other polar opposite of the darkness now covering the world. They may even have been the head of a more discreet faith, such as a voodoo priest or a shaman.
Charac. Bonus
Endurance Aggression
The character has survived the worst the world had to throw at them. They survived hardships that would fell lesser humans, weathering the storm and rolling with the blows, steadfast and stubbornly alive. They may have been at the heart of one of the many cataclysms that came with the Anathema. They may have slipped through the Nodachi’s purging of the Asian Dragon and ensuing vendettas. They may also have been abducted by creatures of the darkness and pulled through, without even knowing how.
Charac. Bonus
Movement Acuity
Before the world ended, and for a while after the Anathema arrived, the character was a traveller. Never putting down roots, never staying in one place for long, going from continent to continent. They may have been an intrepid explorer, hacking through thick jungles, trudging across parched deserts, and trekking over frozen tundras. They may have been a war correspondent, sent all over the world to cover conflicts in far-off places, surviving hostage situations, firefights, and civil wars. They may also have been a modern day explorer, spending months on scientific data collecting vessels, mapping the last few unknown reaches of the globe, and helping to secure priceless artefacts.