UV rifle
Advanced 40 GP
Described in: Add-on 2038
Compact, snub-nosed, and milky white, the UV rifle has two barrels positioned one atop the other made to launch small bolts of burning UV light. A sharp tug on the handle below the barrels sets two fresh rounds in the cylinder, ready to launch. On the side of the weapon is an egg-shaped canister, the light of the twelve ‘bolts’ contained within glowing softly through its white casing. Given its simplicity and ease of use, the UV rifle will soon likely replace Avalon‘s standard foldable shotgun.
Damages | Violence | Reach | Energy | Effect(s) |
6D6 (18) + 5 | 4D6 (12) | Short - ≤50ft | - |
Damages | 6D6 (18) + 5 |
Violence | 4D6 (12) |
Reach | Short |
Effect |
Anti-Anathema Anti-Anathema |
Radiance (2) Radiance (2) |
Shadowpurge Shadowpurge |
Two-handed Two-handed |
Availables enhancements
Alpha reinforcement
20 PG
Effect | Condition |
[Indestructible weapon] [Indestructible weapon] |
Cluster ammunition
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
Damages -1D6, Violence +1D6 |
Drone ammunition
30 PG
Effect | Condition |
[Automatic success] (3) [Automatic success] (3) |
EMP ammunition
15 PG
Effect | Condition |
Damages -1D6, Violence -1D6 |
Interference (2) Interference (2) |
Explosive ammunition
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
Damages +1D6, Violence -1D6 |
Hyper velocity ammunition
30 PG
Effect | Condition |
Assisted aim Assisted aim |
[Inertia] [Inertia] |
Laser sight
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
[Ranged bonus] (3) [Ranged bonus] (3) | Reach ≤ medium |
Long barrel
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
[Automatic success] (1) [Automatic success] (1) | Reach ≥ medium |
[Complication] (3) [Complication] (3) | Reach ≤ short |
Non-lethal ammunition
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
[Non lethal] [Non lethal] |
Short barrel
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
Scatter (3) Scatter (3) | Reach ≤ short |
[Complication] (3) [Complication] (3) | Reach ≥ medium |
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
Twinned (akimbo) Twinned (akimbo) | Installed on two identical weapons |
Twinned (ambidextrous) Twinned (ambidextrous) | Installed on two different weapons |