Weapons list

Fenrir's claws

Prestige 120 GP

Described in: Add-on 2038


This prototype has the potential to become Avalon‘s most potent weapon. Its main drawback is its energy cost, requiring a discrete second alpha energy reactor safely protected in a harness placed on the user‘s meta-armour‘s torso.

This harness powers two large magnetic field control gauntlets, giving the meta-armour unparalleled destructive capabilities, but only so long as there is some type of metal nearby. In order to avoid having a user be defenceless in the middle of a desert or a jungle, Merlin tinkered with several other projectiles of varying composition and strength. Fashioning chains and wires into whipping blades. Spinning ball bearings into frenzied clouds of perforating death. Shaping liquid metals into giant cleavers.

Alas, none of these were strong enough to pierce through solid armour backed up by a kinetic field. An elegant solution was to supply ten jointed alpha element blades along with the harness and gloves. They became known as Fenrir‘s claws. When on standby, they float behind the user, almost like a cape. When activated, they fly out like ten gigantic digits ready to slice, crush, and pound their targets. The effects are tremendous, as few targets can withstand blades potent enough to bypass protective fields. The claws can each be sent flying forwards like crossbow bolts. The gloves‘ magnetic manipulations are restricted to the claws, however. Lastly, the wearer can use the claws to carry themselves or haul themselves upwards, as if on giant limbs.

Special: While they are classified as a melee weapon, Fenrir‘s claws can attack up to medium range./n With the claws, the character also gains the effects of a level 3 leap module with the same energy costs./n When using Fenrir‘s claws, the character adds their Acuity to their damage rather than their Strength.

Damages Violence Reach Energy Effect(s)
8D6 (24) + Acuity ([Sensitive]) 8D6 (24) + 6 Medium - ≤150ft -
Damages 8D6 (24) + Acuity ([Sensitive])
Violence 8D6 (24) + 6
Reach Medium
Defence (4) Defence (4)
Ignore FF Ignore FF
Reaction (4) Reaction (4)
Scatter (6) Scatter (6)
Two-handed Two-handed
[Sensitive] [Sensitive]
Availables enhancements
Azurine weapon

10 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Lady.)

Effect Condition
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 Lady creatures only.
Blood red weapon

10 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Flesh.)

Effect Condition
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 Flesh creatures only.
Engraved claw marks

10 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Beast.)

Effect Condition
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 Beast creatures only.
Engraved code of Avalon

20 PG

(The weapon allowed the Knight to accomplish their major motivation, or helped an ally accomplish theirs. A Knight of the Round Table must give permission for the Code to be engraved on the weapon.)

Effect Condition
[Hardened] (1) [Hardened] (1)
Engraved Knight's crest

15 PG

(The weapon helped the Knight accomplish one of their lesser motivations at least five times.)

Effect Condition
[Fierté] (1) [Fierté] (1)
Engraved laughing skull

15 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a boss out of combat, and the Knight wielding it had 10 or fewer HP.)

Effect Condition
Obliteration Obliteration
Engraved oak

10 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a behemoth of the Anathema.)

Effect Condition
Damages +2D6 Anathema Behemoth-class only
Engraved reaper

5 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a badass out of combat.)

Effect Condition
Damages +1D6
Engraved shattered cogs

10 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Machine.)

Effect Condition
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 Machine creatures only.
Engraved shield

5 PG

(The weapon was used to protect an ally or an innocent from harm.)

Effect Condition
Defence (1) Defence (1)
Engraved suit of armor

20 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a boss out of combat, and the Knight wielding it had 10 or fewer HP)

Effect Condition
[Force field] (2) [Force field] (2) The weapon must be held
Grooves shaped into lines and arrows

5 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a boss out of combat (not a boss of the Anathema))

Effect Condition
[Bonus dégâts] (3) [Bonus dégâts] (3)
Iridescent arabesques

5 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Anathema.)

Effect Condition
Radiance (1) Radiance (1) Or give +1 if radiance already active
Sculpted broken mask

10 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Mask.)

Effect Condition
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 Mask creatures only.
Shining falcon and feathers

20 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to one of the Overlords of the Anathema. The weapon does not have the anti-Anathema effect.)

Effect Condition
Anti-Anathema Anti-Anathema
Stylised flames

5 PG

(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a band out of combat.)

Effect Condition
Violence +1D6

5 PG

Effect Condition
Damages +1D6 Agressive style only

10 PG

Effect Condition
Silencer Silencer

10 PG

Effect Condition
Wounding Wounding

20 PG

Effect Condition
[Sur mesure] [Sur mesure]

5 PG

Effect Condition
Stun (1) Stun (1)

10 PG

Effect Condition
[Allègement] [Allègement]
Damages -1D6

10 PG

Effect Condition
Weighted Weighted
Defence (-1) Defence (-1)

10 PG

Effect Condition
Assisted aim Assisted aim

10 PG

Effect Condition
[Tank] [Tank] If multiples weapons, all must have the enhancement to the bonus being effective

5 PG

Effect Condition
Radiance (2) Radiance (2)

10 PG

Effect Condition
Twinned (akimbo) Twinned (akimbo) When used with its twin only

10 PG

Effect Condition
Finecrafted Finecrafted