Stallions are angular, roofless vehicles with metallic protective hoops and massive front bumper guards. They make up the lion’s share of Avalon’s terrestrial vehicles, and many ark militias use them too. Resembling an omnidirectional four-wheel-drive buggy, Stallions have all-terrain suspension allowing them to drive close to the road in flat areas and several feet off the ground on bumpy terrain. Like the steed, their tires are made of self-repairing, tear-resistant cells. Harpoon guns are mounted on their hoods, connected to powerful winches at the front of the vehicle. Thick handles sticking out of the Stallion’s body allow robust metal curtains to pull over its protective hoops, sliding into place to form a shell for its passengers. They also have kinetic shield generators designed to protect the vehicle and shove away anything that comes close. 360° external cameras send accurate images of the vehicle’s surroundings to its pilot and passengers via their helmet displays. Every Stallion has a full tool box, first aid kit, and one or two foldable shotguns.
Weapons mounted on a Stallion can differ from ark to ark, but most have two heavy machine guns, one on the upper hoop for firing over the pilot’s head, the other on the back hoop covering the rear of the vehicle. Some Stallions switch these out in favour of turret railguns that can fire in all directions. Traditionally, a Stallion that returns from its first deployment is granted a name and a depiction of a horse is painted somewhere on its body.
Stat block
One railgun or two heavy machine guns