Combat styles list



A character equipped with a shooting weapon with the heavy effect performs a suppression shot to reduce their enemies’ combat effectiveness.


This effect works in two distinct ways:

Firstly, when attacking a brute, a badass, or a boss, the character can sacrifice 2 dice from their damage roll to remove 1 damage die from all attacks made by the targeted enemy during the next turn. Up to 6 dice can be sacrificed to remove up to 3 dice from the enemy’s damage (the target always retains at least 1 die of damage). If the weapon has the spread X effect, enemies hit through spread also suffer the suppressive style penalty.

Secondly, when attacking a band of enemies, the character can sacrifice 2 dice from their violence roll to subtract 1 from the overrun score of their target. Up to 8 dice can be sacrificed to remove up to 4 points from the overrun of the enemy band. These overrun points are subtracted before calculating effective damage. The effective damage of the band for this turn is equal to its overrun minus the suppression penalty multiplied by the number of turns passed. The suppressive style reduces the band’s overrun for the current turn only.

Note: Regardless of the number of attacks (and the number of PCs involved) using suppressive style, if they are made against the same NPC, imposed penalties do not stack. A maximum of 3 dice of damage removed or 4 points of overrun subtracted for a band can be achieved in total, per turn, on each target.

When using suppressive style, do its effects stack with more than one attack? How does it work with weapons with scatter X effects? – page 88
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The penalties applied by suppressive style do not stack. Weapons with scatter X effects apply the penalty to multiple targets.

Example: A Paladin with a ranged weapon with the two-handed and heavy effects attacks a band twice, aiming to reduce its overrun score as much as possible (4), and will only reduce it by 4 even if both shots hit.