This fighting style requires two identical weapons, one in each hand. Both are used to attack at once. A PC would need, for example, two service pistols or two bastard swords (wielded as a one-handed weapon), one in each hand. Both weapons must be identical but may have different upgrades or ammunition. If they do have different upgrades or ammunition, one of the two weapons must be chosen as the main weapon, and only its effects count on the attack. The other weapon’s upgrades are ignored, it only serves to add its damage dice to the main weapon’s attack (or half its violence dice, rounded down).
A Knight can strike or shoot with both of their weapons simultaneously. Therefore, when determining damage, they accumulate dice from both damage or violence scores indicated on the weapons used.
If the options or ammunition of the weapons vary, one of the two weapons must be chosen as the main weapon, and all its effects apply. All effects of the other weapon are ignored, and it simply adds its damage dice to the main weapon’s damage (or half, rounded down, of its violence dice to those of the main weapon).
For damage dice, the PC uses the sum of the dice indicated on their two weapons. Fixed bonuses are not cumulative (fixed bonuses from only one of the weapons are used). For violence dice, the PC uses all those indicated on one of the weapons and adds half of the violence dice from the other weapon (rounded down to the nearest whole number). Fixed bonuses are not cumulative (fixed bonuses are used from only one of the weapons). Warning: This bonus only affects the number of dice rolled on an attack. Any characteristic bonuses, fixed bonuses, and overdrive bonuses are only added once. Any additional dice from modules or special meta-armour modes are added after the weapon damage or violence dice have been tallied. Any special weapon effects only apply once. An akimbo attack is a single attack with two weapons, not two separate attacks rolled into one. The PC only rolls one attack check to determine whether they hit. Only weapons held by the character gain akimbo bonuses. This rules out rocket pods and independent turrets
The PC suffers a 3 dice penalty to their ranged and combat attack rolls.
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.
They must be identical weapons, but they can have different options or upgrades.
Example: Akimbo style can be used with arm blades of different levels or two service pistols, only one of which has explosive ammunition. It cannot be used with a fracture cestus and a heavy cestus, however.
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.
No – see calculations on page 87. This can allow a character to diversify their weapon options by purchasing different ammunition types or upgrades for each weapon.
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.
Phil decides to wield his two service pistols akimbo style. Service pistols have a damage roll of 2D6 + 6. Used akimbo style, an attack with his pistols deals 4D6 + 6 damage. If one of his pistols had the explosive rounds upgrade, his akimbo damage roll would be 2D6 + 6 + 3D6 = 5D6 +6 damage. If both pistols have explosive rounds, the total damage would be 6D6 + 6. If the second pistol has the sawn-off upgrade, his attack would become 2D6 +6 + 3D6 damage with a scatter 3 effect, for a total of 5D6 +6 scatter 3.
The important thing is to apply all the main hand weapon’s effects, and to only add the damage dice (or half the violence dice) of the other weapon.
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Q&A > Arsenal questions > Modules - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.
Yes. As mentioned in the rules: “The PC suffers a 3 dice penalty to their ranged and combat attack rolls.” This penalty applies to attacks made with a missile pod. Independent turrets (ones with their own fixed dice pool) do not use the character’s fighting style and are unaffected by these penalties.
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.
No. Penalties can apply to pods and turrets, but not bonus damage added by akimbo or ambidextrous fighting styles. Akimbo and ambidextrous style bonuses only apply to “held” weapons, those in the knight’s hand or slotted into a Paladin armour’s arms are considered “held” (as pointed out in the armour’s ability description).