Described in: Core book
Temporal jump generator, quantum displacement circuit, wormhole generator

Slots requirements
100 GP
The character may move instantly to any area at far distance, without traveling through the intervening space. A sharp clap of thunder and bluish light happen at both the point of departure and arrival (preventing any Stealth manoeuvres). When teleporting, the character must be able to see their intended destination
Activation | Duration | Reach | Energy |
Move action | Instantaneous | Far - 1000+ft | 10 |
Energy | 10 |
Duration | Instantaneous |
Reach | Far - 1000+ft |
Activation | Move action |
Q&A > Arsenal questions > General effect questions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.
Targets remain marked so long as the meta-armour can keep track of them somehow.
“Keeping track” is the part that requires a judgement call. Meta-armours are in constant communication via augmented reality networks. Some of them have satellite relays and enhanced sight and tracking modules. Others can log into local camera networks and CCTV in urban areas via wireless interfaces (RIGG).
All this contributes to a target having to move quite far away or be very ingenious to shake off a holo-targeting effect. The GM should use their best judgement.