Modules list

Phase module


Described in: Core book

Molecular modification generator, nanomachine shoulder vents, nanomachine armour epidermis

Slots requirements
Lvl. 1 : 50 GP

The character can phase or pass through matter. Over the course of one action, they can travel (horizontally or vertically) through 20 inches of any solid matter except alpha element. To travel through thicker surfaces, they must pay additional energy at a cost of one activation per 20 inches of matter. If the character is stuck in solid matter, they are disintegrated and die outright.

Activation Duration Energy
Move action Special - 1 action per 20 inches traveled 5
Energy 5
Duration Special - 1 action per 20 inches traveled
Activation Move action
Lvl. 2 : 50 GP

A character with a phase module may now activate it to avoid a single attack. The attack deals no damage, as if it had missed.

Activation Duration Energy
None Instantaneous 8
Energy 8
Duration Instantaneous
Activation None
Can a Knight use a lvl 2 phase module to ignore a surprise enemy attack? – page 431
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Cloaking, ambushes and surprise attacks - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No, the user must be aware of the incoming attack.