Modules list

Horse's loyalty

Horse Prestige

Described in: Add-on 2038

20 GP

The character‘s meta-armour can tweak other armours‘ settings in much the same way as a Warmaster metaarmour, improving some of their allies‘ abilities at the expense of their own.

Effect: For the duration of one scene or a conflict phase and for a cost of 6 EP, the character may transfer some or all of their meta-armour‘s overdrives to an ally PC‘s meta-armour. One or more overdrives can be temporarily donated in this manner (but only to one ally per module activation). The targeted ally gains the overdrive bonuses to dice rolls but none of their other abilities or effects. Overdrives donated in this manner must be added to characteristics belonging to the same aspect as the original overdrives, and they can all be added to the same characteristics. Needless to say, the character donating their overdrives can no longer use them until the end of the scene or conflict phase. Overdrives obtained via the Warrior meta-armour‘s Stances cannot be donated.

Activation Duration Energy
None One scene / one conflict phase 6
Energy 6
Duration One scene / one conflict phase
Activation None