Arm blade
Close C
Described in: Core book
Retractable forearm blade, long spike on the back of one glove, curved underarm blade
Possible slots requirements
Lvl. 1 : 10 GP
A close combat blade module attached to the metaarmour’s forearm allows the character to perform well in melee without a weapon. Unsheathing the blade is a free action, but attacking with it requires a combat action as usual.
Damages | Violence | Activation | Duration | Reach |
2D6 (6) + Strength | 1D6 (3) | None | Until deactivated | Contact - ≤5ft |
Damages | 2D6 (6) + Strength |
Violence | 1D6 (3) |
Duration | Until deactivated |
Reach | Contact - ≤5ft |
Activation | None |
Lvl. 2 : 10 GP
The weapon gains an additional effect–finecrafted or destructive, chosen when upgrading the module. It also gains + 1D6 damage.
Damages | Violence | Activation | Duration | Reach |
3D6 (9) + Strength | 1D6 (3) | None | Until deactivated | Contact - ≤5ft |
Choice 1 | Damages | Violence | Informations / Condition |
Destructive Destructive | - | - | |
Finecrafted Finecrafted | - | - |
Damages | 3D6 (9) + Strength |
Violence | 1D6 (3) |
Duration | Until deactivated |
Reach | Contact - ≤5ft |
Activation | None |
Choice 1 | Damages | Violence |
Destructive Destructive | - | - |
Finecrafted Finecrafted | - | - |
Lvl. 3 : 30 GP
The weapon gains an additional effect–armourpiercing 40 or radiance 4, chosen when upgrading the module. It also gains + 1D6 damage.
Damages | Violence | Activation | Duration | Reach |
4D6 (12) + Strength | 2D6 (6) | None | Until deactivated | Contact - ≤5ft |
Choice 1 | Damages | Violence | Informations / Condition |
Destructive Destructive | - | - |
Forcé par le choix 1 fait au niveau 2
Finecrafted Finecrafted | - | - |
Forcé par le choix 1 fait au niveau 2
Choice 2 | Damages | Violence | Informations / Condition |
Armour-piercing (40) Armour-piercing (40) | - | - | |
Radiance (4) Radiance (4) | - | - |
Damages | 4D6 (12) + Strength |
Violence | 2D6 (6) |
Duration | Until deactivated |
Reach | Contact - ≤5ft |
Activation | None |
Choice 1 | Damages | Violence |
Destructive Destructive | - | - |
Informations / Condition: Forced by choice 1 made on level 2 | ||
Finecrafted Finecrafted | - | - |
Informations / Condition: Forced by choice 1 made on level 2 |
Choice 2 | Damages | Violence |
Armour-piercing (40) Armour-piercing (40) | - | - |
Radiance (4) Radiance (4) | - | - |
Availables enhancements
Azurine weapon
10 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Lady.)
Effect | Condition |
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 | Lady creatures only. |
Blood red weapon
10 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Flesh.)
Effect | Condition |
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 | Flesh creatures only. |
Chrome tinted with glowing coloured lines
15 PG
(Over the course of a single conflict phase, the Knight dealt the killing blow to or took at least 6 brutes and/or badasses out of combat. The weapon does not have the scatter X effect.)
Effect | Condition |
Cadence (2) Cadence (2) |
Engraved claw marks
10 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Beast.)
Effect | Condition |
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 | Beast creatures only. |
Engraved code of Avalon
20 PG
(The weapon allowed the Knight to accomplish their major motivation, or helped an ally accomplish theirs. A Knight of the Round Table must give permission for the Code to be engraved on the weapon.)
Effect | Condition |
[Hardened] (1) [Hardened] (1) |
Engraved Knight's crest
15 PG
(The weapon helped the Knight accomplish one of their lesser motivations at least five times.)
Effect | Condition |
[Fierté] (1) [Fierté] (1) |
Engraved laughing skull
15 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a boss out of combat, and the Knight wielding it had 10 or fewer HP.)
Effect | Condition |
Obliteration Obliteration |
Engraved oak
10 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a behemoth of the Anathema.)
Effect | Condition |
Damages +2D6 | Anathema Behemoth-class only |
Engraved reaper
5 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a badass out of combat.)
Effect | Condition |
Damages +1D6 |
Engraved shattered cogs
10 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Machine.)
Effect | Condition |
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 | Machine creatures only. |
Engraved shield
5 PG
(The weapon was used to protect an ally or an innocent from harm.)
Effect | Condition |
Defence (1) Defence (1) |
Engraved suit of armor
20 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a boss out of combat, and the Knight wielding it had 10 or fewer HP)
Effect | Condition |
[Force field] (2) [Force field] (2) | The weapon must be held |
Grooves shaped into lines and arrows
5 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a boss out of combat (not a boss of the Anathema))
Effect | Condition |
[Bonus dégâts] (3) [Bonus dégâts] (3) |
Iridescent arabesques
5 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Anathema.)
Effect | Condition |
Radiance (1) Radiance (1) | Or give +1 if radiance already active |
Sculpted broken mask
10 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to a boss of the Mask.)
Effect | Condition |
Damages +1D6, Violence +1D6 | Mask creatures only. |
Shining falcon and feathers
20 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to one of the Overlords of the Anathema. The weapon does not have the anti-Anathema effect.)
Effect | Condition |
Anti-Anathema Anti-Anathema |
Stylised flames
5 PG
(The weapon dealt the killing blow to or took a band out of combat.)
Effect | Condition |
Violence +1D6 |
5 PG
Effect | Condition |
Damages +1D6 | Agressive style only |
20 PG
Effect | Condition |
[Sur mesure] [Sur mesure] |
15 PG
Effect | Condition |
[Indestructible weapon] [Indestructible weapon] |
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
Assisted aim Assisted aim |
5 PG
Effect | Condition |
Twinned (ambidextrous) Twinned (ambidextrous) | Lessen malus only when attacking with the weapon with the enhancement |
10 PG
Effect | Condition |
Twinned (akimbo) Twinned (akimbo) | When used with its twin only |
Q&A > Arsenal questions > Weapon enhancements - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.
If the weapon or module has an effect that would prevent it from being enhanced either now or at a later time, the enhancement cannot be applied to the weapon or module regardless of its current level.