Modules list



Described in: Core book

Voice amplifier, light displays

Possible slots requirements
10 GP

All enemies with a Machine aspect lower than 8 up to long range are attracted towards the user. Attracted enemies can only attack the user, and head towards them alone. If two or more Warbanner modules are activated at once, multiple enemies split up into equal groups and head towards as many Warbanners as they can.

Activation Duration Reach Energy
Move action Special–Warbanner effects last until the enemies’ attention is drawn away by something else Long - ≤1,000ft 3
Effect(s) Damages Violence Informations / Condition
[Primary target] [Primary target] - -
Machine < 8
Energy 3
Duration Special–Warbanner effects last until the enemies’ attention is drawn away by something else
Reach Long - ≤1,000ft
Activation Move action
Effect(s) Damages Violence
[Primary target] [Primary target] - -
Informations / Condition: Machine < 8
How does the Warbanner module work? Is there a way to modify its range or select its targets? – page 437
Q&A > Arsenal questions > Modules - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

The warbanner’s range cannot be modified, nor can its targets be changed to work only certain types of enemies. All creatures of the Anathema up to long range are attracted towards the user, in keeping with the module’s written limitations