Stag's authority
Stag Prestige
Described in: Add-on 2038
40 GP
Pheromone emitters on the meta-armour‘s helm now allow the character to subject others to their will, from petty criminals to heads of state, or both.
Effect: The character can spend some EP to give an order to a human NPC (with a Machine score of 12 or less) in medium range or less. The NPC must obey, without really knowing why. The order must be simple (in a few words at most), straightforward (no complex series of tasks), and not put the NPC‘s life in danger. The listed EP cost is for a single order; additional EP can be spent to issue the order to more than one target.
Each additional target needs 2EP
Activation | Duration | Reach | Energy |
None | Special: duration depends on the order given | Medium - ≤150ft | 4 |
Energy | 4 |
Duration | Special: duration depends on the order given |
Reach | Medium - ≤150ft |
Activation | None |