Warp strike
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Described in: Core book
Lightning coursing over the armour’s arms, character blurring when the module is activated
Slots requirements
Lvl. 1 : 30 GP
This high-tech system allows its user to strike distant enemies as if they were in contact range, using temporary wormholes that open for less than a second. These attacks can strike any enemy they can see (by any means, camera, scope, alternate vision module, etc.) up to long range. Warp strike modules are not without their dangers. To use them safely, the character needs to have an Acuity or a Dexterity score of 5. If neither score is high enough, they must roll a D6 each time they activate the module. If they roll a 1, the wormhole shuts early and the character’s arm is chopped off. This counts as a mangled arm grievous wound (naturally affecting the arm that held the weapon used to attack), and their armour and health points are both reduced to 0.
Activation | Duration | Reach | Energy |
Move action | Instantaneous | Long - ≤1,000ft | 5 |
Energy | 5 |
Duration | Instantaneous |
Reach | Long - ≤1,000ft |
Activation | Move action |
Lvl. 2 : 40 GP
Enemies can now be surprise attacked by the warp strike. Their defence rating is counted as 0 (unless the enemy has an exceptional Beast, Machine, or Mask aspect, in which case they ignore this effect).
Activation | Duration | Reach | Energy |
Move action | Instantaneous | Long - ≤1,000ft | 5 |
Energy | 5 |
Duration | Instantaneous |
Reach | Long - ≤1,000ft |
Activation | Move action |