Heroic abilities list

Rousing speech

Social 20 XP

Described in: Codex v1.5


By making a particularly stirring speech, the Knight can drag people who are around them back from despair, as well as those on the cusp of it. Anyone who hears the speech automatically recovers 1D6 Hope points plus the Aura score of the Knight using this ability. Hopeless who hear the speech suffer an automatic ray of hope effect. In addition, the difficulty of skill checks for any NPC affected by ray of hope is decreased by one difficulty level. Finally, any band of hopeless who hear the speech can also make an arduous difficulty skill check to regain hope, just like a hostile type hopeless under the ray of hope effect. If the test is successful, a wave of hope ripples through the band and its members gradually recover from their folly. This neutralises the band, who are no longer considered a threat to the Knights.

Activation Combat action
Duration Instantaneous
Heroism 5