Penetration X
Described in: Core book
This weapon ignores X force field points. If X is equal to or higher than the force field strength of the target, its force field is simply ignored and damage is dealt straight to its armour (or health if it has no AP). This effect does not bypass Anathema shield values.
Example: Mike’s character hits a meta-armour wearing Nodachi samurai with a heavy revolver. He rolls for damage and gets a total of 25. The target is wearing meta-armour and has a 10-point FF, which should reduce the revolver’s damage. The heavy revolver’s penetration 10 effect is strong enough to negate the force field and deal the target the full 25 points of damage.
Bound weapons
Bound Module
Q&A > Arsenal questions > General effect questions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.
It works this way: penetration X reduces a target’s FF by X. If a target has a FF rating of 14, an attack with penetration 6 reduces the FF to 8.