Effects list
Many weapons have additional effects that add to or ignore some of the game’s rules. The following four pages are a list of these effects.
Name | Description | Source |
Anti-Anathema | When this weapon is used against a creature of the Anathema, it ignores any shield or exceptional Flesh values the target may have. Damage is inflicted directly to their AP, if applicable, then their health. When a weapon with this effect hits a band of creatures of the Anathema, ignore its shield and exceptional Flesh. |
Core book |
Anti-vehicle | Weapons with this effect are designed to destroy armoured cars and other vehicles, and to take down behemoth class enemies. When this weapon is used against a vehicle or a behemoth, it inflicts regular damage (rather than having to deal 10 points of damage to inflict one point as is the rule against colossal enemies). |
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Armour-piercing X | This weapon ignores X armour points. If this value is higher than the enemy’s armour points, damage is immediately inflicted on the target’s health points. |
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Artillery | If a target has previously been holo-targeted, a weapon with the artillery effect can fire at it without line of sight or range penalties (a line of fire to the target is still required). The target loses any cover bonuses they may have. The weapon’s ammunition must still be capable of reaching the target somehow, and an attack roll is still required. A holo-targeted enemy can always be fired at, no matter how far away or how concealed it is or believes it is, even without a clear line of fire. |
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Assassin X | This effect adds XD6 to damage on a successful surprise attack. |
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Assisted aim | When a skill check is made to hit a target with this weapon, each success surpassing the number required to hit (against a target’s reaction for ranged attacks or defence for melee attacks) deals 1 additional point of damage or violence. |
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Barrage X | Instead of attacking, the user of this weapon may choose to forfeit their combat action and lower an enemy NPC or band’s defence and reaction scores by X amount until the start of the attacker’s next turn, thus increasing their allies’ chance to hit the target. This effect is automatically successful. The weapon deals no damage and none of its other effects apply. Several barrage effects can stack on a target. Remember, though, that a barrage effect only lasts until the start of the character’s next combat turn (when it is their turn to act again). |
Core book |
Burst fire | Once per attack, while determining damage, a character using a weapon with burst fire may reroll all their damage dice. The second roll replaces the first result and must be kept, even if it is worse. When this effect is used, the weapon’s average damage may not be chosen to replace the first roll. |
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Cadence X | This weapon is very fast, and can target up to X opponents in a single combat action. Attack rolls must be made against each target, with a penalty of -3D6 to each attack. The targets cannot be more than 6 feet apart. |
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Chain attack | When a PC wielding a weapon with this effect removes an enemy brute or badass from combat (they do not necessarily have to kill their target, defeating them is enough) they may perform another attack on another enemy brute or badass in range. Doing this costs 3 EP and requires another attack roll, and the attack takes place at the same initiative as the previous one. If the second attack defeats its target, the effect can be used again, and so on. The energy cost is added to any other energy requirements the weapon may have. The weapon’s energy costs must be paid for each additional attack. Even if several enemies are defeated at once, they only trigger one chain attack. |
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Clip X | This weapon or module has a limited number of uses per mission, as indicated by X. Once this number of uses has been depleted, the weapon or module can no longer fire or be activated. It must be reloaded (for free) in Camelot in between missions. |
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Continuous damage X | This weapon inflicts X damage each turn for 1D6 turns. This damage ignores force fields and shields, hurting the target on each of its turns. The effect only ends if appropriate measures (antitoxins, flame-retardant chemicals) are taken or once the effect runs its course. This effect is mostly found on weapons that set their targets on fire. Continuous damage X effects do not stack, and only one can be active at a time on a single target. |
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Defence X | The wielder of this weapon gains a bonus to their defence score equal to X. These bonuses add to any others so long as the character is capable of using the weapon or module. |
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Demoralising | This weapon reduces a band’s overrun score by 2 for this round on a successful attack, before calculating the band’s total damage for the turn. A band’s damage is therefore equal to its overrun score minus two, multiplied by the number of combat rounds that have passed so far. In other words, demoralising effects only reduce a band’s damage for the current turn. Note that if a weapon with demoralising affects a band more than once in a turn, its effect duration is increased by 1 turn for each additional application. The overrun damage reduction remains the same. |
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Destructive | When a weapon with this effect deals damage to a target’s armour (provided it has Armour Points), add an additional 2D6 to the total damage. So long as at least one point of damage passes the target’s shield or FF, destructive is immediately added to the remaining damage. |
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Finecrafted | When this weapon is used, its wielder adds their Dexterity characteristic (+1 point for each overdrive) to their damage, in addition to any existing modifiers. NPCs instead add half their Mask (rounded up) to their damage (as well as any exceptional Mask aspect score they may have) to their damage. |
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Heavy | Wielding a weapon with this effect requires one (and only one) move action as well as one (and only one) combat action. Additional actions are untouched by this effect. |
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Holo-targeting | This weapon can holo-target one enemy (and only one, not a band) once per turn. Its wielder and their allies gain 1 automatic success on any skill check made to hit the marked target and ignore any critical failure results on their attack checks. Holo-targeting an enemy this way does not require an action. No skill check is required to mark a target and the holo-targeting range is that of the weapon used. The target remains marked for the entire scene or conflict phase. A marked target is automatically tracked by the user’s armour. It uses the target’s movement and sound made to give a precise indication of its position, allowing the Knight to fire at it with weapons with the artillery effect or use any alternate mode of sight effects on it automatically. Combined with predator vision, for instance, it would allow the user to see a target through walls as a silhouette on their meta-armour’s Augmented Reality HUD. Targets remain marked so long as the meta-armour can realistically keep track of them. |
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Ignore armour | A weapon with this effect simply ignores a target’s armour points. Any damage that gets through shields or force fields directly hits the target’s health. |
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Ignore FF | A weapon with this effect simply ignores a target’s force field. Any damage is dealt straight to the target’s health or armour points. |
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Interference X | Interference only affects meta-armour, exoskeletons, robots, vehicles, servants of the Machine, and enemies with the EMP sensitive trait. A valid target hit by an interference X attack loses its next X actions. Warning: This effect cannot be applied to a target that is already affected by another interference X or a stun X effect. |
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Obliteration | Weapons with the powerful obliteration effect inflict considerable damage to frailer enemies. Against brute type enemies, they always deal the highest damage possible on all their damage dice (as if they had all rolled 6s). No dice need to be rolled at all. If the weapon has the scatter effect, each brute hit by the attack takes maximum damage. |
Add-on 2038 |
Penetration X | This weapon ignores X force field points. If X is equal to or higher than the force field strength of the target, its force field is simply ignored and damage is dealt straight to its armour (or health if it has no AP). This effect does not bypass Anathema shield values. |
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Precise | When this weapon is used, its wielder adds their Ranged characteristic (+1 point for each overdrive) to their damage, in addition to any existing modifiers. NPCs instead add half their Machine (rounded up) to their damage (as well as any exceptional Machine aspect score they may have) to their damage. |
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Radiance X | When a character strikes a creature or band of the Anathema with this weapon, its defence and reaction scores are lowered by a certain amount until the end of the attacker’s next initiative. X is the number of points the target loses. This effect cannot stack multiple times on a given enemy. |
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Ray of hope | This effect is particularly powerful against the hopeless. Should they choose to do so, a PC can forgo the damage they should inflict and apply ray of hope instead. Instead of dealing damage, the weapon passes harmlessly through its target, taking some of its despair with it. When this happens, a hopeless NPC can perform a Beast check against an arduous (5) difficulty (or an Aggression combo Composure roll if a PC is targeted) to fight off their hopelessness. Each additional attack dealt by the weapon to the individual with the ray of hope effect lowers the difficulty of this check by 1. If the hopeless target succeeds their check, they are no longer in the grip of despair and are temporarily no longer an enemy. They can join the Knights in the rest of an ongoing fight or be too traumatised by what they have lived through to participate (GM‘s choice). Against a band of hopeless, this weapon simply lowers their cohesion. If the character deals enough violence with a ray of hope weapon to bring a band‘s cohesion down to 0, the hopeless regain their sanity and a measure of hope, at least for a while. They remember all they did while in the grip of despair, however. Against other enemy types, equipment with the ray of hope effect deals damage and violence as usual. |
Add-on 2038 |
Reaction X | The wielder of this weapon gains a bonus to their reaction score equal to X. These bonuses add to any others so long as the character is capable of using the weapon or module. |
Core book |
Safe shot | By using a weapon-mounted camera or a modified barrel, this weapon’s wielder may fire without incurring any penalties due to hiding behind cover. |
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Scatter X | This weapon can hit and deal damage to several enemies, so long as they are no farther than 6 feet away from each other. X is the number of enemies that can be hit in a single attack. Only one skill check to hit is required against one of the enemies. Nearby foes are dealt damage and suffer any additional weapon effects other than scatter, provided the initial attack roll is high enough to hit them too. Weapons such as flamethrowers and explosives often have this effect. This effect does not apply to or inflict damage on enemy bands. |
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Shadowpurge | This piece of equipment was destined for one singular purpose: destroying creatures of the Anathema. Against humans (of any type), it only does half its usual damage or violence dice. |
Add-on 2038 |
Silencer | Using a silenced weapon does not cause a character to be detected by others. If a silenced weapon is used for a surprise attack or if the user is in Ghost mode, they add their Stealth characteristic (+1 point per overdrive) to their damage. NPCs add half their Mask value, rounded up (as well as any exceptional Mask aspect score they may have) to their damage. Silencer effects add their extra damage to a Rogue armour’s Ghost mode and the level 2 Stealth overdrive effect. |
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Stun X | If this weapon’s attack roll is higher than the target’s Flesh aspect (divided by 2 for NPCs), then they lose their next X actions. This has no effect on bands. This effect cannot be applied to a target that is already stunned by another stun effect. Under certain circumstances, a stun effect may be automatic as long as the skill check to hit succeeds, regardless of the target’s Flesh aspect score. The attacking character still needs to roll to hit. The attack roll does not need to be higher than the target’s Flesh aspect (or half their aspect, rounded up, for an NPC) for the stun to work. A stunned character may suffer a 2-point penalty to their reaction and defence scores if the GM considers it appropriate. This effect does not stack with the interference X effect. |
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Submission | By hitting a target with a submission effect, the attacker can pin their target down and prevent them from moving. Furthermore, the pinned target may only attack the one who has them pinned, and only with melee attacks. To break free from a submission effect, the pinned target must, on its turn, succeed at a base Movement or Combat skill check (Flesh or Beast aspect for NPCs) with a difficulty equal to the successes obtained on the pinner’s attack roll. If the target hasn’t managed to break free on its turn, the attacker may either maintain their hold and inflict their weapon damage without having to roll to hit, or try to get a better hold on their target. If this second skill check succeeds, any damage dealt bypasses force fields and anathema shields. Submission effects do not work on behemoth class enemies. |
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Twinned (akimbo) | When two identical weapons with twinned (akimbo) are used with the akimbo combat style, the penalty to attack checks is reduced by 2 (resulting in a 1-die penalty instead of 3). |
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Twinned (ambidextrous) | When two weapons with twinned (ambidextrous) are used with the ambidextrous combat style, the penalty to attack checks is reduced by 2 (resulting in a 1-die penalty instead of 3). |
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Two-handed | Characters must use both hands to wield this weapon. Using a weapon with this effect one-handed is simply impossible. It is either too heavy or has too much recoil to be used with only one hand. |
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Ultraviolence | When this weapon is used against an enemy with a Flesh score of 10 or lower, its violence is increased 2D6 points. |
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Weighted | When using this weapon, its wielder adds twice their Strength characteristic (or their whole Flesh aspect for an NPC) to damage rolls rather than just their Strength (or half their Flesh, rounded up, for an NPC). PCs require a minimum Strength score of 4 or at least one Strength overdrive in order to wield a weighted weapon. |
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Wounding | If this weapon inflicts damage to a target’s health points, 2D6 additional points of damage are immediately added to the total damage dealt. So long as at least one HP of damage is dealt, wounding immediately takes effect. |
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Wrath | When this weapon is used against an enemy band with a Flesh score of 10 or higher, its violence is increased 4D6 points. |
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[Automatic heal] X | if the character reaches 0 health points, the equipment automatically heals XD6 health points. |
Knight RPG System |
[Automatic success] X | Gain X automatic success on attack rolls. The effect does not trigger on critical failure. |
Knight RPG System |
[Backfire] | On critical fail of an attack roll, the user take their attack damage in their target’s stead. |
Knight RPG System |
[Backlash] X | Rolls +1D6 points of damage or violence for each Energy spent, with max XD6. The attack backlash the user and damages X×2 AP. |
Knight RPG System |
[Better range] X | The weapon range increases of +X level |
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[Boost] X | Rolls +1D6 points of damage or violence for each Energy spent, with max XD6. |
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[Complication] X | All ranged combat checks are made with a X-point penalty (as if the enemy’s reaction were X points higher). |
Knight RPG System |
[Convergence] | When the effect triggers, the range level between the target and the source of the effect is reduced by one unit (medium becomes short, short becomes close, etc). |
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[Explosivity] | Deals +3D6 damage to inanimate objects and vehicles. |
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[Force field] X | The wielder of the weapon or module gain +X FF. See full description of the module or weapon to get more details. |
Knight RPG System |
[Free hand] | The equipment does not require a hand to be used. Its wearer can use two-handed weapons or a weapon in each hand, but not other shields. |
Knight RPG System |
[Hardened] X | Reduces loss of hope points by X points. This bonus can stack with other reductions |
Knight RPG System |
[Heartbeat vision] | Acts as a sonar, cancelling disadvantages due to environmental effects negatively affecting the user’s sight when tracking or attacking living creatures with beating hearts. |
Knight RPG System |
[Heat vision] | Detects and forms outlines of thermal signatures through thin obstacles, cancelling disadvantages due to environmental effects negatively affecting the user’s sight (such as rain or smoke). |
Knight RPG System |
[Ignore cover] | Ignores cover bonuses to the target’s reaction score. |
Knight RPG System |
[Indestructible weapon] | The weapon is indestructible. It can no longer be broken, dismantled, melted, crushed, etc. |
Knight RPG System |
[Inertia] | Light weapons get the two-handed effect, whereas two-handed weapons obtain the heavy effect. |
Knight RPG System |
[Magnetic vision] | Detects metal through thin obstacles, cancelling disadvantages due to environmental effects negatively affecting the user’s sight when tracking or attacking things or beings carrying metallic items (armour, weapons, metal prosthetics, etc.). |
Knight RPG System |
[Non lethal] | This equipment cannot kill its targets. |
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[Overclock] X | Rolls +1D6 points of damage or violence per 2 EP spent, with max XD6. |
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[Penalty] X | The target suffers -XD6 penalty to their action |
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[Predator vision] | Designates an enemy that can be traced and followed up to a mile away. |
Knight RPG System |
[Primary target] | The user becomes the primary target of opponents in a given radius. Can be conditional to certains aspects of the opponents. |
Knight RPG System |
[Ranged bonus] X | Attack rolls with this weapon gain XD6 |
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[Riot-control] | When this weapon is used, its wielder adds their Dexterity characteristic (+1 point for each overdrive) to their violence, in addition to any existing modifiers. NPCs instead add half their Mask (rounded up) to their violence (as well as any exceptional Mask aspect score they may have) to their violence. |
Knight RPG System |
[Safety] | Prevents critical failures on skill checks. |
Knight RPG System |
[Sensitive] | When calculating damages, adds their Acuity to their damage rather than their Strength. Strength OD are ineffective. |
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