XXI - The World (21)
The arcanum of harmony, equilibrium, fulfilled goals and finished works, wilderness and the natural world. The World often symbolises success and favourable conditions, but it can also mean diverse pursuits, too many to properly concentrate on one alone, unforeseen setbacks, and the untamed nature of the wilds.
The PC adds 1 point to their Flesh aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.
When they play this card, the PC can restore to all the other PCs either all their health points, or half their armour points (as long as their armour points are higher than 0). The PC playing the card does not benefit from either of these effects.
Those who deserve it shall inherit it.Pasts
A harmonious relationship, a balanced life, a great project seen to fruition, a completed work of art or architecture, working with nature, working with animals, a scattered life, life-changing misfortune, wounds inflicted by an animal, wounds suffered during a natural disaster, surviving a natural disaster unscathed.
Advantage - Spark of creation
The character is skilled at creating works of art. By some stroke of luck, the spark of creativity never left them. They continue with their artistic endeavours, painting, sculpting, dancing, and making use of their talents for the benefit of Avalon and all Humankind. In game terms, the character spends part of their spare time performing, writing, etc. They add an additional lesser motivation to their list of motivations: Create a work of art. This motivation obeys all usual lesser motivation rules.
Disadvantage - Misfortune Magnet
The character is a jinx, a lodestone for the worst luck possible. Bad luck surrounds them, sometimes only striking the ones close by. In game terms, once per game session, the GM may decide that a failed skill check performed by the PC or one of their allies is a critical failure. If more than one PC chooses this disadvantage, its effects can stack.