Arcanas list

XVIII - The Moon (18)


Illusion, lies, reflections of oneself – the Moon, eighteenth of the arcanum, is a mute witness to human deceit and semblance. Its hidden side touches on the subconscious, slips of the tongue, and abstract notions in general. In a less figurative sense, it is also linked to mirrors, money, and shiny things.


The PC adds 1 point to their Mask aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.


When this card is played, the PC gains a retaliation effect. For the entire duration of the current scene or conflict phase, when an enemy deals damage to the PC (to either their AP or HP), the enemy immediately takes 5D6 damage (with no additional bonuses or effects).

Those who wound her do not walk away unscathed.

Memories buried in one’s subconscious, otherworldly dreams, twins, frequent unsettling slips of the tongue, obsessive-compulsive disorders, irrational fears, fear of other people, an illusionist, a held belief that turns out to be false, a lasting lie, a well-kept secret.

Advantage - Professional liar

The character lies through their teeth, and is so good at it that they can make the most outrageous claims sound quite plausible. Though their lies may not be malicious as such, the ease with which they spin falsehoods is the envy of con artists and politicians alike. In game terms, when the character attempts an Eloquence combo Stealth skill check, the difficulty is reduced 1 level.

Disadvantage - Mood swings

The character’s mood is a wildly fluctuating, unpredictable thing. Their mood swings can come from a variety of mental or physical issues, but the end result is the same: their state of mind is prone to jumping from happy to sad or from placid to feverish at the drop of a dime. In game terms, once per game session, the GM may pick an emotional state for the character. It can be in complete opposition with the character’s mood and actions up until then, and have an effect on their skill checks (at the GM’s discretion).