Arcanas list

V - The Hierophant (5)


The arcanum of religion, belief, and all manner of faith. It also symbolises morality, obeying the rule of law, that of Humankind, nature, or of the gods.


The PC adds 1 point to their Machine aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.


This card’s effect immediately applies to the PC who draws it. Their lowest aspect score is increased by 1 point. In the event of a tie, the GM chooses which aspect score is increased.

He provides enlightenment to those who need it.

Belief, religious practice, a lack of faith, unshakeable sense of right and wrong, a lack of morals, someone who upholds the law, an outlaw, fanaticism, an epiphany, distrust or hatred of the divine.

Advantage - Spiritual fortress

The hero’s mind is an impenetrable fortress, a spiritual bunker of sorts. During character creation, they may add 5 points to their maximum and current hope.

Disadvantage - Fanatic

The PC holds some sort of fanatical belief. These beliefs are not necessarily religious; the character may just be an ardent defender of law and order or of a moral code. Whatever their chosen views, they are more than willing to share them – at length – and staunchly defend them. There are no specific game mechanics to represent this, but, being a disadvantage, it should be taken into account when roleplaying the character. Bear in mind that while this can make for an interesting character, players should make sure they aren’t needlessly unpleasant or confrontational.