Arcanas list

III - The Empress (3)


This arcanum represents science, empirical knowledge, and learning in general. It also symbolises teaching and studying.


The PC adds 1 point to their Machine aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.


When the PC plays this card, their whole banner (except the PC playing the card) restores their energy points to full.

She gives to the needy, awaiting naught in return.

Higher education, very short education, a difficult apprenticeship, a scientist, a mechanic, unusual knowledge, a wide breadth of learning, a lack of knowledge, intense training.

Advantage - Good memory

The character is blessed – or cursed – with a memory that registers all information obtained and can recall it at will. Once per game session, they may ask the GM to give them one piece of academic knowledge, a memory, or even something the character may have stumbled across at some point in their life. This information can never be enough to completely trivialise an investigation or solve a mystery on its own, but can and should help in some way.

Disadvantage - Contrary

The character cannot stand others being right, and feels the need to take a contrary stance to theirs even if this means drawing a conversation out for hours or angering the person they are talking with (and their allies). Once per game session, when a character (PC or NPC) makes a statement that can be seen as debatable, the GM may decide that the PC must take the opposite stance. The PC must then attempt to prove the initial statement wrong by any means at their disposal.