VII - The Chariot (7)
The arcanum of success, of progress, and of opposing forces coming together to form bonds of friendship, hatred left by the wayside. On occasion, it also shows great adversity.
The PC adds 1 point to their Beast aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.
When they play this card, a PC receives an additional combat action each turn for the entire duration of a conflict phase.
Ever forward, unrelenting.Pasts
A foe turned friend, a resounding success, an easily won battle, a hard-won battle, hatred that becomes love, a sworn enemy, dear friends betraying each other.
Advantage - Confident
The PC is supremely confident in their words and judgment, without boasting or making a great show of it. The character gets one automatic success to all their Eloquence based skill checks when interacting with other humans.
Disadvantage - Sworn enemy
The character has a sworn enemy in one of Avalon’s rival organisations. This enemy is a powerful foe (the GM must decide exactly how powerful and influential they are). This enemy will do their best to kill the character, discredit them, hurt their loved ones and allies, and so on.