Arcanas list

IV - The Emperor (4)


The fourth tarot arcanum represents acting to achieve one’s goals. It also symbolises authority, and commanding others through charisma and personal magnetism.


The PC adds 1 point to their Lady aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.


When the PC plays this card, they can restore their armour points to full. This card can be used when armour points reach 0. Any surplus damage is subtracted from the PC’s newly restored armour points.

At his side, it is as if destruction were but a trick of the light.

The fulfilment of a great project, a great project failing at its close, an officer’s posting, a horrible boss, a great mentor, long work leading to a position of command, a position of command obtained out of nowhere, enthralling charisma, or a lack of charm.

Advantage - Magnetism

Something in the way the hero moves or speaks seems to draw everyone’s attention. The character gets one automatic success to all their Aura based skill checks when interacting with other humans.

Disadvantage - Presumptuous

The PC has a very high opinion of themselves. They sometimes take dangerous courses of action, and their attitude can prove grating. When they speak, they tend to boast of their accomplishments and virtue or strengths. Furthermore, they may have a tendency to try to fight creatures clearly stronger than them. (How severely this affects the PC, and what constitutes a stronger opponent, is up to the GM.)