Modules list



Described in: Core book

Smoke canisters ejected from chest cavities, smoke propelled from shoulder vents

Slots requirements
10 GP

The user and all PCs and NPCs at short range gain 2 defence and 2 reaction points, but also a–3D penalty to ranged attacks. Exceptional Beast, Machine, and Mask aspects (or an appropriate alternate vision module) allow PCs and NPCs to ignore these penalties.

Activation Duration Reach Energy
Move action One scene / one conflict phase Short - ≤50ft 2
Effect(s) Damages Violence Informations / Condition
Defence (2) Defence (2) - -
Reaction (2) Reaction (2) - -
[Penalty] (3) [Penalty] (3) - -
Ranged attack only
Energy 2
Duration One scene / one conflict phase
Reach Short - ≤50ft
Activation Move action
Effect(s) Damages Violence
Defence (2) Defence (2) - -
Reaction (2) Reaction (2) - -
[Penalty] (3) [Penalty] (3) - -
Informations / Condition: Ranged attack only