Modules list

Shoulder turret


Described in: Core book

Compact shoulder-mounted weapon

Possible slots requirements
30 GP

The user has a compact version of one of Avalon’s ranged weapons mounted on their meta-armour’s shoulder. The weapon’s cost must be paid at the same time as the module. Only weapons without the heavy effect can be mounted on a shoulder turret. Weapons can be switched out in Camelot. The PC may use a move action instead of a combat action to fire their shoulder turret.

Activation Duration Energy
Move action Instantaneous 2
Energy 2
Duration Instantaneous
Activation Move action
How do fighting styles interact with weapons such as missile pods or shoulder turrets? Can I use a missile pod if I am in ambidextrous or akimbo style? – page 87
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Q&A > Arsenal questions > Modules - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Yes. As mentioned in the rules: “The PC suffers a 3 dice penalty to their ranged and combat attack rolls.” This penalty applies to attacks made with a missile pod. Independent turrets (ones with their own fixed dice pool) do not use the character’s fighting style and are unaffected by these penalties.

Do pods and turrets gain any bonuses from ambidextrous or akimbo style? – page 87
Q&A > Questions about combat, creatures and NPCs > Combat / Fighting styles - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

No. Penalties can apply to pods and turrets, but not bonus damage added by akimbo or ambidextrous fighting styles. Akimbo and ambidextrous style bonuses only apply to “held” weapons, those in the knight’s hand or slotted into a Paladin armour’s arms are considered “held” (as pointed out in the armour’s ability description).

Est-il possible d'installer une amélioration sur des armes de tir embarquées comme modules (ex : pistolet mitrailleur sur une tourelle d'épaule) ?
Q&A > Arsenal questions > Modules - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Les effets de cette amélioration sont disponibles dès que le module est actif.

Barrage X first says it costs an attack, then says a combat action. What precisely is required to inflict a barrage X effect? – page 414
Q&A > Arsenal questions > General effect questions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

A barrage X effect uses an entire acti on, regardless of how many attacks that action would allow the character to make. If the weapon inflicting the barrage X effect is mounted on a shoulder turret, for instance, it would use a move action instead of a combat action.