Modules list

Flare rocket pod


Described in: Core book

Backpack filled with flare launchers, small slots in shoulder pad, flare launcher on side of helmet

Possible slots requirements
Lvl. 1 : 10 GP

This module allows the character to fire a dazzling white flare into the sky (making it more useful outdoors, or at least from somewhere with an opening outside).
In game terms, the flare lights up the sky for 1D6 turns. Flare rockets deal no actual damage or violence, and firing several at once gives no additional effect.
Human characters in the area (scene or conflict phase) not wearing meta-armour are dazzled, gaining a -1 D penalty to all their skill checks. Creatures of the Anathema suffer a -2D to all their rolls as well as radiance 2.

Activation Duration Energy
Move action 1D6 turns 2
Effect(s) Damages Violence Informations / Condition
Clip (3) Clip (3) - -
Radiance (2) Radiance (2) - -
[Penalty] (1) [Penalty] (1) - -
Humans without eye protection
[Penalty] (2) [Penalty] (2) - -
Energy 2
Duration 1D6 turns
Activation Move action
Effect(s) Damages Violence
Clip (3) Clip (3) - -
Radiance (2) Radiance (2) - -
[Penalty] (1) [Penalty] (1) - -
Informations / Condition: Humans without eye protection
[Penalty] (2) [Penalty] (2) - -
Informations / Condition: Anathema
Lvl. 2 : 30 GP

In addition to the above effects, flares now inflict radiance 4. Clip 3 increases to clip 6.

Activation Duration Energy
Move action 1D6 turns 2
Effect(s) Damages Violence Informations / Condition
Clip (6) Clip (6) - -
Radiance (4) Radiance (4) - -
[Penalty] (1) [Penalty] (1) - -
Humans without eye protection
[Penalty] (2) [Penalty] (2) - -
Energy 2
Duration 1D6 turns
Activation Move action
Effect(s) Damages Violence
Clip (6) Clip (6) - -
Radiance (4) Radiance (4) - -
[Penalty] (1) [Penalty] (1) - -
Informations / Condition: Humans without eye protection
[Penalty] (2) [Penalty] (2) - -
Informations / Condition: Anathema
Lvl. 3 : 50 GP

In addition to the above effects, flares now inflict anti-Anathema. Clip 6 increases to clip 9.

Activation Duration Energy
Move action 1D6 turns 2
Effect(s) Damages Violence Informations / Condition
Anti-Anathema Anti-Anathema - -
Clip (9) Clip (9) - -
Radiance (4) Radiance (4) - -
[Penalty] (2) [Penalty] (2) - -
[Penalty] (1) [Penalty] (1) - -
Humans without eye protection
Energy 2
Duration 1D6 turns
Activation Move action
Effect(s) Damages Violence
Anti-Anathema Anti-Anathema - -
Clip (9) Clip (9) - -
Radiance (4) Radiance (4) - -
[Penalty] (2) [Penalty] (2) - -
Informations / Condition: Anathema
[Penalty] (1) [Penalty] (1) - -
Informations / Condition: Humans without eye protection
What is the difference between the radiance 4 effect of a UV rifle and the radiance 4 effect of a flare rocket? –page 416
Q&A > Arsenal questions > General effect questions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

Radiance X, when applied by a module targeting a range or specific area (flare rocket pods, for instance) use the range and duration specified in the module description and affects all creatures within the zone for the duration, automatically (no attack roll required).

When radiance X is an effect applied as part of a weapon attack, whether the attack is a UV rifle, a Longbow special ammunition shot, or a flashbang grenade, it only affects the target or targets of the attack. The target (or targets) must be hit by the attack for the effect to work against them. The grenade affects more than one target thanks to its scatter X effect.

How does anti-Anathema work on flare rockets since they don’t deal damage? – pages 414 and 439
Q&A > Arsenal questions > General effect questions - Jan. 17, 2025, 12:31 p.m.

All attacks made in the zone lit up by a flare rocket with the anti-Anathema effect gain that effect during the rocket’s duration.