Nodachi agent
The character was probably a Nodachi agent before the organisation’s true nature was revealed to the world. They defended Japan and obeyed their shogun’s orders, following the emperor’s commands with diligence and utmost respect. Their loyalty to their country was without equal. Something went wrong, however, and they are now no longer a member of their former organisation. They may have been fired or quit after performing acts too savage for their conscience to stand, or fallen foul of rivalry and in-fighting in the Nodachi’s ranks... They may have been a simple foot soldier, following their commander’s orders. They may have been a shinobi, silencing targets in the shadows, abducting and torturing Japan’s adversaries on command. They may even have been one of the 88 samurai, the shogun’s finest, able to stand toe to toe with one of Avalon’s Knights. In that case, the player will have to come up with a good reason for their character to have fled the Nodachi.
Charac. Bonus
- Dexterity
- Combat OR Ranged