X - Wheel of Fortune (10)
The tenth tarot arcanum is the Hermit’s opposite – it encompasses all that is unexpected, opening up to the world, spontaneous sharing, intuition, instinct, and serendipitous occasions. This also extends to games of chance, and fortune, good or bad.
The PC adds 1 point to their Beast aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.
When the PC plays this card, they may choose to reroll every single one of their failed skill checks. They can only reroll once for each check, and must keep the second roll, whether they like the new result or not. This effect lasts for a whole scene or conflict phase.
Success or failure, the Wheel spins eternal.Pasts
Life saved by a stroke of intuition, good luck at gambling, an unexpected victory, winning the lottery, unusual instincts, happy coincidences, welcome generosity, a fortunate birth, an accident leading to good things.
Advantage - Lucky
The character is extraordinarily lucky. They seem to succeed when they were supposed to fail, and win when they should have lost. Once per game session the PC may reroll all dice on a failed skill check.
Disadvantage - Misleading hunches
Sometimes the character’s unusual hunches and intuition seem to work against them, leading both them and their allies into danger. Once per game session, the GM may decide that one of the PC’s skill checks using either Instinct or Acuity automatically fails. This can be decided after the dice roll.