XIX - The Sun (19)
As the Sun’s name indicates, it represents light, joy, gold, and plenty. This particularly benevolent arcanum is not without its faults, however – vanity, egotism, and misleading appearances also fall under its purview. Truth, illumination, shining a light into dark places, a spotlight to show someone’s glorious actions, and celebrity, all these and more are a part of the Sun’s demesne.
The PC adds 1 point to their Lady aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.
When they play this card, a PC can add the following effects to all their attacks for the entire duration of a conflict phase: radiance 6 and anti-Anathema.
Beneath its radiance, darkness shall dwindle.Pasts
A revelation, great joy, a stunning discovery or find, deserved celebrity, justified glory, a truth uncovered, a secret revealed, an educator, a professor, vanity, a desire to appear benevolent.
Advantage - Radiant
The character radiates a natural aura of comfort and encouragement. Their kind words and approving looks drive their allies to surpass their limitations. In game terms, when the character is helped by one or more other PCs, the helpers get +1 die to their skill check. This also applies if a Radiant character uses Heroic Mode.
Disadvantage - Selfish
The character is self-centred, thinking of themselves before others. Their own integrity, their personal glory, and their place centre stage are all overriding concerns, far more important to the character than whatever may befall their allies or anyone else, for that matter. In game terms, the character may never become an adjutant in a heroic mode. Unlike other PCs who would usually be entirely removed from a scene for not helping, however, the Selfish character can still act as normal – albeit in the heroic protagonist’s shadow.