Arcanas list

II - The High Priestess (2)


The second arcanum represents the winding ways of secrecy, how mystery and intrigue intertwine, how they combine to become knowledge.


The PC adds 1 point to their Mask aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.


This card’s effect applies as soon as it is drawn. The PC receives a clue concerning their current mission, by a vision, a hunch, or some other means. This clue may only be a few words long, and can at the most describe events past or still to come (GM’s choice).

She knows all, without having to seek it out.

A mentor figure, a lie that caused hurt or harm, a lie that led to growth, mysteries revealed, a seeker of the occult, high intrigue, political machinations, a secret kept hidden.

Advantage - Hidden knowledge

The character holds knowledge shared with few others on specific topics. When performing a knowledge check concerning one of the following: occult, secret society, criminal underworld, religious cults, etc., the difficulty (level, not just numerical value) of all Knowledge-based checks is lowered 1 level. This advantage applies to all checks pertaining to the chosen topic.

Disadvantage - Insatiable curiosity

The character’s overwhelming curiosity can lead them to take risks and courses of action that may place them or their allies in danger. Once per game session, the GM may use this disadvantage to make the PC focus on a trivial topic or seemingly useless piece of information. The character remains intrigued by the subject of their curiosity for 1D6 hours or until they obtain satisfaction; in the meantime, although it may be no more than a simple distraction, the constant desire to discover the truth of the matter gnaws at their mind and concentration.