XV - The Devil (15)

The arcanum of all vices, base instincts, power, money, sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll. The Devil concerns itself with lustful appetites, bestial urges, and animal cravings. It is without a doubt the most vile of the major arcanum.
The PC adds 1 point to their Beast aspect, and 3 points to allocate as they choose to characteristics linked to this aspect.
When playing this card, a PC can choose to have a brute, badass, or boss type NPC roll 6 fewer dice on all of their rolls. This effect lasts for a whole scene or conflict phase. If the number of dice an NPC would roll is 0 or fewer because of this effect, their actions automatically fail.
A curse on all his enemies.Pasts
A life of excess, base desires that lead to complications, violent reaction to bad consequences, an unsettling bestial attitude, kinship with animals, problems with animals, drugs, alcohol, money spent on harmful things, addiction.
Advantage - Animal instinct
The character’s instincts are always awake and sharper than most, giving them advanced warning of things about to happen. In game terms, the PC’s initiative gains a +10 bonus when they are ambushed. Furthermore, they retain their defence and reaction scores when they are the target of surprise attacks.
Disadvantage - Bully
The character has all the hallmarks of a bully, acting tough and intimidating whoever they can. Even if they only act this way at the worst of times, deep down, they revel in violence and the suffering it brings. Theirs is a life of simple, destructive pursuits. In game terms, the character’s Machine aspect score may never be increased beyond 5.